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Looking for some salary transparency.

If you're an Account Supervisor at a creative agency in Chicago, what salary are you making or what salary range do you feel is acceptable?


Does anyone work at Bolt PR?


Do the holidays already feel like a distant memory?

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Any freelance Account Sup or Account Director level folks? I’m looking for my mat leave cover. Would be about 4.5 months starting ASAP through mid-June. Based in NYC. Message me if interested!


I'm putting together a crash course on account management fundamentals for junior folks (the future!) at ad agencies. I'd love to know: What's the most helpful thing someone could teach you or help yo… more


How are we feeling about pharma ad roles at Dentsu? Still bad reputation for freq layoffs?


Agency morale morning of Jan 2nd vs. evening of Jan 7th

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What’s the vibe at Havas these days for account people?


Hi, I've been working in my company for almost 2 years, its my 2nd full time job. and I had over 6 years experience in this role (even as account manager) within a year I got promoted from Account executive t… more


Looking ahead and planning for 2024. How much time is appropriate to take off for vacation at your agencies? We have an unlimited PTO model, first time for me. Trying to gauge what is expected.


Anyone here work for a Fortune 500 energy company?


Do you get to submit upward feedback for performance?


I work at a small agency that is a sinking ship and this morning my boss (owner/CEO) just fired a very integral team member (we all wear multiple hats) impulsively. Then I was pulled into her office a… more


Any ideas on maintaining a positive attitude going into 2024? I started yesterday with a commitment to do that and honestly I didn't last the full first day back


Now that we are firmly in a tight job market, I think it is time to discuss how the equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives of the past few years function as marketing exercises for agency brands … more


Catching up on emails and feeling behind already.. Caught myself acting like Ross earlier. Anyone else can relate?

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Does anyone here work at Zeno Group? What's your WLB like?


No questions about the holidays please, still trying to reset the password I forgot from having too much fun

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Hi all, looking for some career advice.

I’m 2 years out of undergrad now. My first job was in adtech and lasted a year before we were impacted by company wide layoffs. My current job is also in adverti… more


The glassdoor reviews for Finn Partners aren't great, but some of the posts here (from many weeks ago) aren't bad. What's the deal? Anyone here work at Finn Partners? They're hiring an… more


How do we think the job market will look in 2024? Continuing hiring/promotion freezes and more layoffs? Or will hiring finally pick back up?


Happy new year, everyone! Let's get in those resolutions early!

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Alrighty, let's do a cleanse (i.e. rant) before the new year - what are the biggest complaints we've heard (or seen on fishbowl) about advertising account management this year? Are we still mouth pieces for clients? … more


Tried to queue up a series of emails in outlook to send Jan 2nd, checked my outbox on mobile and somehow sent all once, bombarding inboxes of a team that is all OOO. Happy new year everyone!


Tag your favorite co worker

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Stealing this one from a friend in Creative. This do be how it feels sometimes.

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Did you manage to get off this week or are you checking emails once every 3 hours too


Currently eating assorted cheese cubes and checking email.

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To all the souls manning the fort this week

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In your opinion, what’s makes for a remarkable account leader?


My honest year end self evaluation.

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Merry Christmas! Time to gift our clients more value!

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You can't make me wash the dishes if I drop them all. Merry Christmas! Drink up

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Best ad agency in Cleveland Ohio?


Letting my OOO be the bad guy

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Wishing everyone a happy Festivus!

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"Can't wait to see everyone in the office next year so we can enjoy our vibrant culture together!"

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Shut the laptop, everyone!

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Looking for some perspective into an appropriate hourly rate for freelance work, VP/SVP level (account management). Thanks!


Me four beers deep at my agency holiday party not knowing anyone's name

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That was just a preview…
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