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Rising Star
My boyfriend has never done this and has called out his friends in committed relationships for doing so (knowing that their significant others don’t like it). We both think it’s disrespectful to publicly thirst over random people. That being said, this is a convo to have with your SO because some people don’t mind it.
Rising Star
That’s a good question. Unfortunately I don’t know either of you so I don’t know the best way to do it but maybe just by saying you can see that he’s been liking tons of this sexy pics and then focus on how it makes YOU feel. Whether that’s “and it’s makes me feel ugly/insecure/embarrassed/uncomfortable” or however else you may feel about it.
Not being unreasonable. This is definitely a conversation you should have with him.
Of course. Yes I had to have this conversation with my husband who was my bf at the time. I basically just laid it out on the table. I let him know that I noticed that he had been liking ‘sexy pictures’ of women and how that made me feel. I let him know that although his intentions may not have been to make me feel insecure, that those were the results of his actions. Ultimately I emphasized to him that it’s important to think about impact vs intention. This is what really made him change.
Tell him that liking their sexy pictures is an intentional action - he’s letting them know he likes what he sees (their body since he doesn’t like their family pics) and could potential open the doors to a gal that may consider his likes as interest. Tell him, you too can start liking sexy pictures of men on Instagram, I bet he wouldn’t like that.
Thanks for the affirmation and advice ❤️
Yeah tell it to his face and give him a taste of his own medicine. 😂 I’m so petty.
(Just to be clear: no judgment whatsoever towards posting sexy pics. I’m all for girls feeling themselves! Just feel weird about my bf liking this kind of content, since it’s girls he’s not really friends with and since he clearly isn’t interested in any of the other content the post—e.g pics of their hikes, hangouts, trips, etc.)
The fact that he’s openly liking their photos makes me think there is some level of obliviousness on his part, which I get how you are seeing that as a sign of disrespect to you, but I see it more as just him having zero self awareness. Assuming they are women with normal levels of followers and avg likes, these women probably also notice that he only likes their content when they post a sexy photo. So he’s basically telling them (perhaps unintentionally) that he only cares about their content when it is intended for the male gaze. I think that’s the conversation you should have with him... not centering his behavior with other women on you, but asking him to think about whether is behavior is making them feel respected or not
OP you should tell him flat out he’s being a creep and they probably register it as that. Say it gently, and be prepared for him to be embarrassed. But hopefully he takes this as you being invested in helping him grow as a person
This bothered me in my last relationship and probably will in my next one too. Buuut I notice when I like a pic of a hot guy it’s usually bc I’m just like oh wow for a sec and then move on. Liking things is a gut reaction and don’t usually spend more than a second on looking at each pic before I like. My advice is don’t give value by bringing it up to him when he likely isn’t consciously registering these girls. Totally get getting slightly peeved for a little while tho just not worth the fight
Start liking meathead guys
Conversation Starter
This is an ongoing thing for me and my boyfriend lol, but he tends to like pics of random girls that he doesn’t know/only knows of. We talked about it a few times and tbh he didn’t take it that well because he found it “controlling and jealous” to tell him what he can and can’t like. His main point was that he trusts me to like whoever’s (ie: could be some hot guy) pics without threatening the relationship, so I should be able to do the same. Sigh, it still does bother me a little, but honestly at the end of the day, he’s with you, so as long as he’s not like sliding into their DMs and trying to hit on them, then it just takes extra trust to see past the action. It can also depend, like some guys actually use liking as a way to show interest, but most just like those kinds of pictures without even giving it a second thought. I agree you should just have a convo with him to maybe understand where he’s at with that. It might not end up being that he completely stops liking them, but it’s good to be on the same page and evaluate if this is something you can get over in the long run or if it’s a dealbreaker.
Very normal
Oh ok honestly I was very misunderstood. I thought she was talking about the women that literally post sexy pictures as their job. Like the Instagram models. I didn’t realize he knew these women personally
I wouldn’t think too much into it.... I do the same when I see handsome hunks. It’s just eye candy to me, nothing more.
Conversation Starter
God this is my boyfriend... with pics of girls we know, I have jokingly called him out on it just to make him aware that I notice those things but I don’t actually care too much anymore. If it’s the softcore pages like @mathildtantot or @sommerray I’ll say something about seeing how another girl’s boyfriend liked it and it’s a gross/embarrassing look, because that’s kind of just buying into the objectification... like porn but in “public”. I know that he definitely looks at it but when it’s those Instagram porn models, I try to make an example of someone else liking it for the world to see and how gross it looks to others and I think he gets the picture