{ "_id": "5df70ed2f7169f002b172d3f", "_isBlocked": false, "creationDate": "2019-12-16T04:57:54.596Z", "categories": [], "description": "The grass is greener.", "relatedCrowdIds": [ "552d1d24dc1c586b09d2d052", "5e4bca4d473da1001b53cb24", "63c7b55b3b4cbc0052c7df17" ], "fishIconColor": "4c28ff", "hideNumberOfUsers": false, "iconUrl": "https://dslntlv9vhjr4.cloudfront.net/bowls_images/eU1HOCXUxod0p.png", "rectangleIconUrl": "", "isLocked": false, "isCommentsEnabled": false, "isPublic": false, "handleUrl": "big-law", "isVisible": true, "name": "Big Law", "networkingEnabled": false, "numberOfNetworkingUsers": 953, "numberOfUsers": 35611, "feedState": { "countOfMessages": 45695, "countOfUserMessages": 45559, "countOfSystemMessages": 0, "lastMessage": "As a midlevel in NY M&A, as much as I like the substance and dealmaking (I genuinely do), I can’t shake the feeling that I’ll never have a real life and that it’ll only get worse as I become more senior. I feel like I shouldn’t complain. I work with decent people that value me and give me great opportunities, paid off my loans and obviously make a lot. But the grind doesn’t end. And the truth is that scares me. Trying to take it one or 2-3 years at a time. But yeah.\n", "lastSign": "Associate", "lastUpdateDate": "2024-01-10T07:52:10.142Z", "lastMessageDate": "2024-01-10T07:52:10.142Z", "countOfUserComments": 245194 }, "priority": 0, "type": 2, "creatorId": "5d8c0b91787473002496ca4f", "bowlType": "58e6c2e40ebdd20010849126", "bowlTypeName": "Professional Expertise", "background": { "from": "4622D2", "to": "0F71A6" }, "divisions": [], "numberOfFollowers": 14544, "promptsDisabled": true, "roomEnabled": false, "regions": [ "61891c8e2ca26eaffdf8d90f" ], "requestToJoinSettings": { "isJoinReasonRequired": false, "shouldRequestPhoto": false, "isMultipleChoiceEnabled": false }, "bowlTypes": [ { "bowlTypeId": "58e6c2e40ebdd20010849126", "bowlTypeName": "Professional Expertise" } ], "currentMonthPosts": 487, "suggestedIndustry": { "_id": "552d1d24dc1c586b09d2d052", "name": "Law", "iconUrl": "https://dslntlv9vhjr4.cloudfront.net/crowd_images/Pioh6bzlrjjeI.png", "crowdIconUrl": "https://dslntlv9vhjr4.cloudfront.net/crowd_images/WuoHhDiJApHMU.png" }, "noIndex": false, "lastView": "" }

As a midlevel in NY M&A, as much as I like the substance and dealmaking (I genuinely do), I can’t shake the feeling that I’ll never have a real life and that it’ll only get worse as I become more senior… more

What’re the benefits of a low leverage law firm?


Haven’t used PLI before—how does the CLE certificate process work there? Do they bury a CLE code in the middle of a course or use other ways to keep track of attendance?


Bankruptcy lawyers - what’s the best legal research platform aside from Westlaw? Also is Westlaw better than Lexis?


Everyone talks positively about in-house positions. Let’s hear the bad and the ugly.


How and when did you know you were going to get your lateral job before the firm actually reached out with an offer?


Looking to connect with recruiters who recruit expats for US, Middle East or Singapore - please DM.


Anyone on the east coast fly to China recently? Trying to figure out if $40k (for 6 of us) is worth it in business class or if to stick it out in economy/premium economy. 2 of us are munchkins, so obv… more


Hey can I ask the bowl for some career counseling help? Would definitely appreciate any ideas you might have!!


Please tell me about the worst or most obviously privileged thing you’ve had to claw back. I’m about to submit my first set of claw back requests and feel awful.


Does anyone here have a public-facing creative hobby? If so, does your firm know?


Anyone from humble beginnings feeling like a fish out of water? 6th year here, and still finding it hard to relate to the big law lifestyle. When I was a 1st year and had a newborn at home, I asked a … more


Is it normal to not sign an offer letter until conflicts clear? Does waiting make it obvious I’m waiting on another firm?


What is the salary + bonus scale at Haynes and Boone?


Any particularly good resources on economics of secondaries & tax considerations?


Any firms doing hiring bonuses recently? If so, please name firm, amount, group, year. Ballpark if afraid of dox.


I’m a midlevel in a BigLaw firm in NYC. I have an LLM (no JD) and probably one of the few people from my country and my program who managed to land a BigLaw job. This means I get a lot of requests fro… more


If a firm wants to hire you at a lower class level, what is a good way to negotiate reconsideration to a higher level later on? Would I just ask for them to reevaluate my class level at the 6 month ma… more


I went to a prestigious law school, work at one of the “top” firms. I am going to lose my job due to prolonged slowness. I’ve probably sent out 200+ applications. I live in a HCOL city because it is where m… more


Any family law attorney recommendations? I am looking for someone to help my fiancee and I with a prenuptial agreement before our wedding this fall :)


Passed background and conflicts check! Here's to starting a new chapter in my life 🥂🍾🥂🍾


Trying to identify a firm based on a recruiter email. Boutique with offices in east and west coast, has an ECVC group, serves tech, f&b and consumer packaged goods companies, and pays above market… more


How and when did you know you were going to make partner?


Anyone else enjoy creating structure charts? It’s fun as junior and allows me to tap into my artsy side


I’m looking at a move from NY to LA (finance mid). Would like to hear advice on how to establish myself in LA, the best way to meet potential clients, and advice on anything else specific to do (or av… more


What is the difference between insurance litigation at firms like McGuireWoods, Husch Blackwell, and Haynes and Boone and insurance defense at places like Lewis Brisbois?


My v10 considers 3rd years (c/21) as midlevels. But the truth is I feel like I have the knowledge of a first year still. How do you fake it until you make it when supervising juniors? I thought year 3… more


Where does equity partner comp start at Foley & Lardner in high COL markets?


What does being laid off actually look like process-wise?


When’s the earliest an associate would typically be able to go on a reduced hour arrangement due to kids? Have you heard of anyone getting approval to do this earlier than 5th year?


How do I get past post-vacation blues and thoughts re "this job is so meaningless." I'm in Lit, at a v5. Third year.


How much are you paying for cleaning services in NYC? Trying to figure out if I'm being upcharged- $50/hr and a two bedroom deep clean runs me $200-220 ish before tip


Approval decision yes/no and price predictions for end of week.

I’ll start: yes, 60k


I haven’t been my best. Feeling burnt out and unappreciated. I have reason to believe I will likely be placed on a PIP. Any encouragement is welcome right now. 😭

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I’m a foreign qualified lawyer studying for the February Bar. I’m finding it difficult to manage work and studying (especially having not gone to law school in the US) and was wanting to push my exam … more


What will make my career go further, a supportive/ influential boss but boring work or cutting edge/ interesting work with an apathetic boss? (Can only choose one)


Hi All—there’s an opening that I’m interested in and a number of alumni from my law school (T5) works in the firm/office. Unfortunately I don’t personally know any of them—wondering if it would be better to reach… more


How do you plan your vacations? All together ? One week per quarter? Long weekends + a few odd days?

That was just a preview…
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