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You’re doing the right thing by having her on Revolution. If anything was hanging around, it should go away soon. If you really want to be thorough you can pat her down with a bit of flea powder or get pet wipes. Congrats on your new adoption :)
Rising Star
My cat gets these - it's just oil from glands around the nipples.
If you wipe with a damp paper towel and it doesn’t come off, it’s not flea dirt and likely the cat version of “blackheads” or something similar due to oil. Not a concern!
:) congrats on the new kitty ❤️
Conversation Starter
Wow did your cat consent for her nipps to be posted??
Very funny.
Rising Star
It's just oil or a light rash if they overgroom. I have a pet shampoo and clean my boys when needed.
Oh a couple more tips (yes I am a Crazy cat lady and I would have 8 cats if my husband let me but I swear I have a life outside of cats😂) :
Armarkat in my experience makes the highest quality, sturdy cat trees. The one I have has lasted 5 years and still going strong. I had a few others before that got torn up in months.
Edit: just saw comment about cats resenting water bottle sprayer. Maybe don’t have your SO wield it. But I truly think a spray bottle with water is your best weapon to train out bad behaviors like jumping into kitchen table, trying to dart out the door when you don’t want them to, or scratching furniture. Be very consistent and on top of things, and it will be well worth the investment later. My cats never seemed to hold a grudge. I also never have to cut my cat’s claws cause they don’t scratch anything we care about and stick to their cat tree. And I no longer have a spray bottle and haven’t had to use one on them for years now.
*on Revolution prescription
Just clean them if they will let you. My cats all have them.
I’ve owned my cats all my life (I’m old) and I never take them to the vets after 6mo old. I have home vet visits if needed but vet offices are for sick pets. Cats don’t need injections if they stay inside.
Senior Manager - for some reason your post was removed. When is your vet appointment to get those spots checked?