Been with my current company for 6 years. Started in customer service and added HR responsibilities year 1. Now do on-boarding,recruiting, phone screening, interviewing, salary negotiation, offer letters, medical enrollment, and revamped employee handbook. I hold the HR Manager title when dealing with paperwork but my CEO still has not made an official announcement and my pay is not the market rate of an HR Manager. Majority of my work is still in Customer Service.
What do I do now?


If you join a seed stage start up just prior to Series A in a CEO minus 1 role (e.g. COO or Chief of Staff), can anyone speak to a framework / key considerations for comp expectations in terms of cash vs. equity?

PhD + 2 YoE and contemplating a jump here vs. big corporates but would appreciate any advice on how to evaluate the opportunity. Thanks in advance


Life as an EM had been good for past 6 months but I can see next year being crazy due to attrition, team constraints and growing demand. Quite keen to get out of consulting and have sensible WLB. I have an offer to join as a strategy mgr at a relatively mature FS org reporting into VP of strategy (who reports into the CEO). Comp is okay but I am concerned that this may be a bit junior? Also not sure if EM to individual contributor is a big step down or a norm when you move to industry?


Any examples of a variable compensation model for VP Corp Dev (head of corp dev, a sweating to only CEO) of 1B rev company? Like what percentage of the deal should I ask for in addition to 250K salary and undetermined amt of equity? i.e., 3% on deals up to $1M, 1% on deals up to $10M etc.


I got an offer to join exec team (direct report to CEO) of a company - I don’t know/come from the industry, nor do I know the team (beyond interviews). Legit company in fintech, been around for decades, privately held and on path to IPO in 2-3 years. Comp is easily 2x what I make now 3 years post MBA, with equity upside. Better WLB too. But…can’t shake the feeling theres something here I’m missing. Is it just impostor syndrome or am I really unqualified to do this and should avoid?


Evaluating a job offer from Wells Fargo at level 4 position (SVP, 4 Levels down the CEO, business product role). What's a competitive total comp for NY location?


Would love advice on an offer! Series A, raised $35M in April, valuation $120M. Offer for VP role, Head of X (operations, growth, etc). Managing 25 ppl and growing fast. Report to CEO. I’ve been at mck 6 yrs, newish AP. Initial offer from them: Total cash comp $260k (base+bonus). 0.75% equity. That’s as far as the convo has gone so far. It’s my first time recruiting for a role w equity. Advice on if this sounds attractive? Lowball? How to approach the next convo (where to push)? Thanks a ton!

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8 years of experience.

In the final stages of a strategy lead role at a software company that sells back office technology to Financial Services firms.

This role would report directly to the CEO and primarily be tasked with developing new businesses or ventures for the company.  ideation to commercialization. 

What sort of comp should I be looking at? Previous role was a startup, so I’m not really sure of my market value. NYC-based.


Interview next week for a fintech VP role (real VP reporting to CEO, not the fake traditional finance VP titles) and have no idea what target salary should be. Glassdoor is all over the place. Trying to crowdsource a reasonable number.


I got contacted for a job offer for a Chief of Staff role in SF. Tech company that’s 18-24 months away from an IPO. Around 200 employees and well funded. More of a “strategic advisor to the CEO” role than “shadow” or “gatekeeper” role. Any insight on what I can expect in terms of salary / stock option plan? Thanks!


I got contacted for a job offer for a Chief of Staff role in SF. Tech company that’s 18-24 months away from an IPO. Around 200 employees and well funded. More of a “strategic advisor to the CEO” role than “shadow” or “gatekeeper” role. Any insight on what I can expect in terms of salary / stock option plan? Thanks!


What should expected comp be for a chief of staff to PortCo CEO? 3 years Post MBA currently


Heard there is update on upcoming year compensation at Deloitte per Deloitte CEO email on 1/20. Anyone can share the detail?


Got promoted to M last year in August with 2% raise. Deloitte CEO announced early raises and bonuses this year by a quarter (in May).Also he told that base salary increase this year will consider performance of both PY20 and PY21. How much percentage raise can I expect? Is it just a retention straregy?


How high a base salary can go in a big bank? I’m not referring to the total comp (TC) but only base salary before bonus... I assume the highest it can go is up to the CEO’s base but, realistic speaking, what is the maximum i should expect or better put, dream as a potential base salary? I’m currently a SVP, it is somewhere between a VP and a director.


Interviewing for a chief of staff role at a startup that’s raised about $14M so far. What should I look for when assessing if this is a good opportunity?

Would work directly with CEO and expecting cash compensation of 100K and 0.25% of equity. Is the equity % low?

CEO hopes to sell at 100M, meaning the equity would be valued at 60K a year (4 yrs), but this seems optimistic to me.

2 YOE for reference.


What’s the going salary to support a CEO in NYC in advertising? EA has over 20 yrs experience supporting senior executives (MD’s, group heads, CIO’s) in various fields, but first time supporting CEO, in case that matters. Thanks in advance!


Have been interviewing for a few months and have gotten mostly rejections so far. Now in the final stages with 2 companies... 1st is a FAANG where I have Individual contributor role at a senior level - 425 k tc (175 base + 250k rsu per year) and 2nd is a svp level role with large very well known tech consulting firm where I will report to ceo of my business unit with similar tc of 400k (325k plus 75k bonus.) I have 20 yoe. Which one would u choose if u r me.. assuming u get both offers?


I was interviewing for a freelance job and asked about the creative director (small, new company). The CEO said they haven’t hired one yet and it took everything in my power to ask to be considered for that role. He wants to continue the convo tomorrow. I have 15 years of experience and have done the job of people and project manager and directed large content before. Without the title or salary! How can I prove to him that I can bring value and expertise to this role (besides from my portfolio)


Regular person goes broke in the pandemic: 4-hour food bank lines and eviction.

Company goes bankrupt in the pandemic: employees get laid off and the CEO gets a seven-figure bonus (that's not hyperbole - here's a partial list of companies that have done just that):

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Just how bad are the WITCH consultancies?

Have an offer from Cognizant in their corporate strategy group. Most of the team is ex-MBB, and the comp package looks really good.

Would generally interact with CEO-2 & CEO-3 level individuals within the company.

Keep hearing horror stories from this bowl and others though.

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Received an offer from a startup. 120k, 10-20% bonus, 20-30k stock. Currently 12 month tenure. Reporting to CEO. In LA. Am I leaving consulting too early? (Most people say stay at least till promotion) If i take, they’re letting me choose the title. I’m thinking bizops, as it’s most common. Any thoughts on title?


Working on a potential offer to join leadership team of 3 co-founders as essentially the CEO-1 for 2 tech delivery firms of <50 people. They've asked me to outline an OTE based in base salary and % of revenue, haven't really negotiated this before, any insights in how to decide my ask?


Here is a play on NKLA: potential double. GM says the other day that this is a legit company by partnering with them to produce the trucks. GM now has a financial interest in NKLA succeeding. Today short sellers come out with fraud reports. Currently stock sits at 39.2. If you think this was bonus, pick up weekly 40calls here at 1.3. Company likely to defend as the CEO has a huge ego


Considering a jump to industry - $3b company. Role would report to CEO as head of strategy. Team would be small 2-3 people, but mandate to make change happen across the organization. Lead strategic planning, working with startup within the company. Some promises to run a BU in ~2 yrs. thoughts? Watch outs? What should I expect from comp perspective.


I’m being offered a part time project manager role at a website/software development company. Would oversee 10 developers and report to CEO/founder. No benefits, just salary. How much should I ask for salary?


I’m being offered a part time project manager role at a website/software development company. Would oversee 10 developers and report to CEO/founder. No benefits, just salary. How much should I ask for salary?


Got an offer from an established (but disorganized, unstructured) startup. Cash comp is good (but not great - 30% paycut over my consulting pay) and was given equity worth a few millions @ a valuation of 3B. Problem is - I have absolutely no clue what this firm is worth at the moment. CEO says it’s currently worth at least 6B. It has good growth potential but I have no way of estimating the probability of this being materialized if and when a transaction occurs. How should I think about this?


I have an offer at a PE-backed healthtech company growing 30% a year, as VP of strategy reporting to CEO. 1 year after series B round, revenues at ~20-25M.
I am excited but comp is less than expected. 175K base, 20% bonus, equity options worth 60K-180K annually (60 if valuation doubles in 5 yrs, 180 if it triples, very little if does not double and 5yr vesting). Who can help benchmark? I hear I could push base up, hesitating how much... and what is signing bonus standard?


Anyone with insights into senior level compensation at Deloitte or BCG? Just looking for a quick yay/nay if I can get close to matching about $1.1M annually in a leadership role (not senior LT but more CEO -2)


Offer at industry telecom co in Texas for 150k TC. Currently live in Texas on 97k base (TC ~110k @ pwc). New offer 125 base + 20% bonus TC 150K. I’m 25F. Been at PwC 3 years, do I make the switch or is it too early? Role: Corp Strategy Manager, Office of the CEO (team of 5). Reporting to CEO. Co: $10B+ 5,000+ employees, 40+ countries. Advice?


What is the salary ceiling for “working for someone else”? Like what is generally your cap if youre working for a corporation (excluding the one-off positions like CEO etc.)


Curious about leadership compensation - does anybody have an idea on what partners make? And the scales for that i.e new partner who’s still “salaried” vs. equity partner of a offering vs. Consulting lead vs. CEO ? I’m in the Canadian firm so info for that would be ideal but other countries/firms would be good to know too.


Work at a hold co and tired of hearing the ceo’s are in it with us and taking cuts? I call BS on that! They are only reducing salary and will still earn millions. Omnicom John Wren - $19,818,780 in 2019, his 2020 sacrifice = 5.05% reduction. IPG – Michael Roth $16,590,172 in 2019 his 2020 sacrifice is undisclosed. WPP Mark Read £2,594,000 in 2019 his 2020 sacrifice = 1.88% reduction. Publicis Arthur Sadoun €3,265,800 in 2019 his 2020 sacrifice = 4.6% reduction.


CEO is hosting a town hall on Zoom to say there will be no layoffs and no salary cuts and someone has just used the chat to ask for a stipend to buy a chair. This is why we can’t have nice things


Help. I’ll be assisting the CEO who will announce to two people I manage that their salary/hours will be cut by 40%. How should I behave?


Anyone have a sense (through friends or job hunting) what c-level of a sizeable nonprofit is paid? Wondering comp ranges for that career. Think ceo of org w $50M+ budget and hundreds of employees


What the f$&k

2 weeks of shut down and my ceo announces no promotions no bonus no increments voluntary job reduction

75% of the year is already gone and we are doing great ... 2 weeks made this !!


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Hi all,

Currently I am working as an embedded developer in Bosch for more than an year.
I would like to get into AI/ML/Computer vision projects. Would like to know how to change department/projects?
Can someone helpe on this?


Anyone been to the Harvard Extension School - Consultant’s Toolkit program? Any insights to share?


06/08 - back workout ✔️


Hello, so I want to ask when switching the recruiters look at our full CTC - Joining bonus, fixed, variable OR just fixed component to decide the hike to give us?


What is the avg package Bosch is offering for 11 years exp Front end engineer ?


We had an important project stakeholders meeting for which I prepared a presentation, delivered the presentation and answered some difficult questions in the Q&A. I ensured a few of the stakeholders that I'd follow up with some interesting links.
I prepared an email to follow up which was a collation of links, white papers in attachment etc which took the morning to put together. My colleague, who is a male who had initially set up the meeting and chaired it was to send the minutes after. (1)


I work with millennials who won’t punctuate emails. Three or four sentences of feedback with no periods or commas. I want to punch them in their unprofessional faces.


Just adopted this sweet girl! I can’t decide on a name. Does she look more like a Rosie or a Ruby? (Her name at the shelter was Momo 😽)

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Harley is the Captain, I’m just along for the ride.

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Unpopular opinion: I love working at EY 😊


Hi all,
YOE- 1.5 by April
Last week I couldn't negotiate with hr ( zs) and ended up with ctc 8.5
Now I heard they are offering the freshers same...

Any idea what can be done now?
P. S offer letter is already gendered


Has anyone taken BEC this window? Anything I should focus on?


I got promoted to AC in SD. What will be my new base? Does anyone have any idea ?'


One of my classmates told me that the CPA exam will have a huge change in 2024, they will do three exams, and one is your choice. Is that right? What would happen if I took the CPA at the end of 2023?

What's the salary range for Manager position at Morgan Stanley .
Yoe: 4 Yrs.
Stack: Java.

Do we really get 15% variable pay ?

That was just a preview…
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