Anyone (or know anyone) with experience at GMMB in the creative department (as opposed to PR, etc.)? I’m interviewing there and have read some troubling reviews on Glassdoor, especially around workload and burnout for non-senior staff. Given its size, I want to investigate whether that is company-wide or in certain departments.

For context, I’d be mid-level working with the west coast teams, so focus would be on causes and initiatives rather than politics.

Thanks in advance.


What are some good/important questions to ask a potential creative partner in an interview? I’m going through the process now and usually go mostly off chemistry and personality but feel like it could be of value to actually have some key questions in mind? Anyone have any that personally helped you know that your partner was “the one” (as lame as that sounds)


Currently in media planning at a media agency, but want to be in brand planning/strategy at a creative agency.

Is it worth applying for a strategy role in the pharma/health side of a creative agency? Or would that limit future prospects?


I’m a creative / tech innovator applying to McKinsey and the other big four. However, I’m now concerned my limited on-the-fly math skills will automatically count me out. Seems like the interview process weighs on that. Im wondering if I need to hire a math tutor to help me get up to speed. Or, wondering if those of us who are more creative can get away with less than ideal math skills. What’s the reality?


I had a really weird interview for Creative Director today.

It’s a small startup. HR interviewed me and asked all the hard hitting questions (how do you get design inspiration, how do you deal with design roadblocks, what sets you apart for this role?) which I thought was odd for a screening interview.

They made some affirmative noises then said the next step would be a design test (one pager) which I would present to a panel of interviewers including the CMO.
Anyone else think this is odd?


I had a really weird interview for Creative Director today.

It’s a small startup. HR interviewed me and asked all the hard hitting questions (how do you get design inspiration, how do you deal with design roadblocks, what sets you apart for this role?) which I thought was odd for a screening interview.

They made some affirmative noises then said the next step would be a design test (one pager) which I would present to a panel of interviewers including the CMO.
Anyone else think this is odd?


How do promotions work in your company? (Include your industry if you want).
Are there regular title bumps based on tenure and work quality? Can you only be promoted by applying for open roles? Is your big on creative hierarchy and reporting structure by letting people become managers and mentors to more junior people? (Jr. reporting to sr. reporting to ACD reporting to CD etc?)


UBS has contacted me several times to discuss internal consulting roles. Is there anyone who recently joined wiling to chat?
1. Interview process
2. Comp structure
3. I live a 3 hour drive from the office. There is a requirement to be in the office 2 days/week. I don’t plan to relocate. Any creative ways to negotiate comp given the 3 hour distance? Will they provide accommodations for someone traveling 3 hours to come to the office twice/week.
4. They are aware of the distance, yet they continue


Company I'm interviewing for is asking me to respond to a creative challenge as part of the interview process.

They're requesting platform ideas with responses in the ATL, digital, and content spaces. I find this quite odd given they approached me first rather than the other way around, and to ask for a creative task at the senior leadership level is strange to me.

How should I approach this? Say no? Spend no more than 1-2 hours on the task for a topline response and send with an NDA?


Interviewing with a FAANG for an ACD/Creative Lead position and trying to wrap my head around salary negotiations. What are people making at similar tech companies with 6-8 years of experience (base salary and total comp)?


Does anyone work creative at Rivian? How’s the interview process and company culture?



I’ve applied for multiple roles on LinkedIn where my experience and creative work match the job description. However, I’m not getting any interviews… NOT A SINGLE ONE. What could be a possible reason for this? Is anyone here willing to jump on a call and help me understand what I am doing wrong?

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I’m trying to make the jump from agency > platform (not FB…more like Spotify or Twitter etc.). I work with reps at these places as part of my job, but technically their loyalty is to my clients (the ones spending $ on their platform), not to me, working at the client’s creative agency. So it feels weird asking them for a recommendation or referral, but that would obviously be easier than applying on the jobs site... How do I utilize my “network” without making things awkward?


Hello, I'm currently in a final round interview for Account Manager at a creative agency. As a written assignment very, I've been asked to answer the below question. Any advice?

1.we just won a large new client for an influencer mailer project. Walk us through any key initial points & questions to ask the client

Hello, I'm currently in a final round interview for Account Manager at a creative agency. I have been asked to complete the below written assignment. Any advice? would you improve the Account Management team - prioritizing the customer experience & the ability to be nimble and responsive.

2.we just won a large new client for an influencer mailer.what key points/ questions you would ask the client?

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1.5 yrs experience at mid level at a holding company agency, working on accounts that should in theory present a ton of creative opportunity, but for many reasons that is not the case. I have very little produced work and that seems unlikely to change. Am in final rounds of interviews for a senior position at another holding company agency on an account where the work will almost certainly not be “great” but should be able to make a lot of it. Do I make that jump to senior this early?


In the interview process at this creative agency I’m excited about, but they mentioned having to fulfill a small project brief in the final round of interviews. Suddenly it’s a huge turn-off for me.
I don’t know anyone personally who has done a project before getting hired. But working for free feels icky, even just brainstorming. Any positive experiences here?


I was interviewed by the creative dept at an agency and am set to have another call with their HR tomorrow (I imagine for an offer). The tricky part is that another agency said they’d interview me this week. I’d much rather work at the second agency. How do I navigate this? Do I stall the first agency? How long can I delay accepting? Do I try to speed up the process at the second? Do I mention I already have an offer elsewhere? I much prefer the second but don’t wanna ruin my chance at the first


Sr. Cw / ACD level creative interviewing with agencies that are looking for teams (at both levels). Anyone on the art side interested? DM your book


Is there such thing as too much ass kissing in a job interview? Or everyone likes for the interviewee to do their research and act like they would really like to work for the company and the creative director they are interviewing with?


I’m at a subset of a big name agency, but not getting the opportunity to work on projects with a high level of creativity. I’m in interviews with a pretty much non-recognized agency but I would be getting to do much more creative work. Would you: hold it out at the big name agency and keep pressing for projects? Or make a move to the place where you’ll get to make more work.


Looking for Accenture info!
Interviewing at Accenture in two areas next week: Account Manager Creative and Brand Marketing and
Content Experience Manager at Accenture Interactive

The former sounds exactly like what I do now at an ad agency but on the in house agency team with Accenture being the “client”. Lots of execution work. The latter is more about answering RFPs for existing clients and developing some strategy and like 30% execution. I’m leaning toward the CEM role.
(Cont. in comments)


Thinking of applying to a role at Verizon.

Yea / nay? Does anyone know what it's like?

And who to reach out to for creative roles?



POC creative interviewing at an agency in Portland. I actually never knew about how white Portland is, (around 80% white) until I did some research. I’m used to pretty diverse cities like LA/NY/CHI. Any POCs living/working in agencies in Portland share your thoughts?


Has anyone interviewed with Creative X (Facebook/Instagram’s in-house)? Any tips you can share? Or any insider knowledge of what it’s like working there?


Recent grad. Interviewing for positions in a competitive creative field. I get past two rounds of interviews and today I get an email they want 2-3 references. I’m curious why they’d ask now but on top of that I don’t have any references besides my old professor. What do I do ??


I interviewed with one of those west coast tech companies, building a creative dept. I was mostly just poking around to see if they’d do permanent WFH. They won’t. But then they got to asking about my salary request. For the first time, I said “Ya know, I have to think about the role. Have they narrowed down a salary band?” Holy crap, I would have shorted myself by like $50k-$70k Always push for the salary band! Make them put their cards on the table.

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Applying to a job and one of the only real requirement is to show how I’m “adept at understanding client needs, and designing and implementing creative solutions”. My issue is I work in risk advisory and most of our client engagements don’t actually involve implementation. We usually present our findings and recommendations and move on.
What’s the best way I can tackle this? I’m coming up blank and the deadline is soon.


I have been recruited by Amazon as Creative & Campaign Manager. I don’t know if I will pass all the interviews but I am wondering if this is a good time to jump in a Big Tech taking into consideration that I will probably be promoted to Senior Consultant in a few months Deloitte Deloitte Digital I don’t know if the game is worth the candle


I’m unemployed and just got offered a job at an in-house agency for a big client. My main goal is not in-house whatsoever. I want to work at a great creative agency and have had interviews with some awesome places lately but no luck with getting hired. Is it a bad move to just take the job for now and keep looking? Maybe freelance where I can and fill out the book? Would having in house briefly on my resume hurt my chances? I’d wait it out but I barely have any cushion to hold me over.


We have a few open positions - anywhere from entry level to 5-6 years of experience for analytics professionals. Job is in Chicago, although we are remote now. Join a team that is applying cutting edge techniques in applying quant thinking in the creative space!!!


Help! Interview questions to expect in a creative director role? And what is desired besides being able to manage teams and present to client?


Creative moving to strategy here:
I am in my 3rd round of interview with an agency for a strategy role, meanwhile one of the biggest tech companies contacted me for a creative role, interview went well.
I am a creative who’s been trying to move into strategy for a while, this could be my ice break to the strategy side, or going back to creative, which I felt there’s not much to grow, but with a bigger company name on my resume.

What would you choose?


What are some examples of good questions to ask at the end of a PM interview? -for a creative agency


Two interviews with the creative leaders of the agency. Great energy, aligned on the agency’s vision, excitement for the portfolio. Follow-up email of the recruiter: they really like you but they pass this time! This one really does!


First year copywriter. Was furloughed during Covid. Had an interview today with an agency that works mostly with the health and medical fields. The interview went well, but I’ve heard that medical copywriting is a creative death sentence. Does it make sense to take this job just to be employed and then try to wiggle back onto the more creative side of things later? Or should I stick it out until something else comes along?


interviewing for a creative strategy (sales creative) at a publisher - currently in content marketing creative at brand. anyone have advice for making my experience relevant?


Need some advice- had an interview with a recruiter last Friday. It went pretty well. She said she would send my resume to the team and they would review & reach out. I sent her a thank you email a couple hours after our chat & she responded fairly quickly (under 20 minutes) saying she enjoyed our conversation & the creative directors would reach out to me early this week. Its now almost 3pm on Tuesday. Do I follow up with her or wait? If yes, when? Thanks all. Hoping this pans out 🤞


I keep getting stumped on the interview question “what is your creative process like?” My answer are usually a bit underwhelming (I spend some time is ideating alone and then reconvene with my partner). Does anyone have any tips on good tips on how to phrase it better?


My boss has zero leverage in the company, and therefore creative always goes to shit because someone in another department thinks they're far better placed to make creative calls, and my boss can't do anything about it to defend the work.

It's taking a toll on the work, team's mental health, and overall morale.

The company values are no longer aligned to my own, and it's no longer the job I was sold in on during the interview process.

What do I do?


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Since prep usually takes a while for swe, I have not started seriously applying. However, I am likely to receive an offer for 110-120k at another consulting firm. I was hoping to get some thoughts from other technical folks that made the transition. More in comments


When it comes to talking salary during the interview process. I know people say to let them make the first offer. But when that happens do you still try to negotiate up?


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Did they ask for your GPA during the interview? For an audit senior position at big4.


Hi Fishes,

Yesterday I attended MS hackerrank test and was able to solve some Java based MCQ and one sql query correctly but not able to execute a code with any passed test case so should I expect a call from a recruiter for an interview?


I want to start applying to roles at big 4, MBB, FAANG and need to make sure my resume is 100000%!!

Can anyone help me with this? I’ll also take recommendations on resume writing services y’all have used in the past



HCL interview questions
Handle exceptions thrown by a thread?
Can JVM (through class loaders) load same class twice ?
Why only in synchronised block we can have wait and notify method ?
Which one will you choose : Soap or Rest ?
What is CI/CD ?
Row Mapper v/s ResultSetMapper
describe Oauth flow


Hi Fishes,

Going through interview for Senior Data Analyst role -
Uber Hyderabad.

Skillset - Business Analytics & Intelligence, SQL, Python, Azure, Power BI

YOE - 5.6 | CCTC - 11 lpa | Counteroffer EY GDS - 18 lpa

Kindly provide any ballpark number/range of CTC at market standards for Uber for above profile?  Uber

Thanks in advance ;)


Will be doing a video interview for a Sr Mgr role - behavioral interview. Any insights on what to expect? TIA

Anyone has any insights on Senior Product Manager interview at Smartsheet. Have an interview with the Hiring Manager soon, but feeling very under prepared and have no idea on what to expect in the interview. Any suggestions/pointers would be greatly appreciated.



I’ve been trying to get into The Walt Disney Company for years and can’t seem to make any progress. I’ve tried introducing myself and connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn and of course, applying to jobs on their site. Would anyone happen to have any words of advice for someone trying to transition from the ad industry into the entertainment industry?


Hello Ladies! I want to set up a mentorship program in here. If you are interested, drop a note below with the following info:
1. What areas would you like Mentorship?
2. What areas could you mentor others in?
We can all then reach out and connect based on what we offer/is offered to us! Let's blow this up!!!
I'll start:
1. I would like mentorship on stakeholder management on Sr. VP/CEO level.
2. I can offer mentorship on product/program management, interview prep and how to get credit is due!


Applying for the greycroft associate role (consumer/ FinTech & InsurTech). Any application tips?


Agency producer here. I have an interview with an in-house agency tomorrow and I’m trying to prep myself/anticipate questions that the Exec Producer will ask. Any sample questions you guys can think of? I feel so rusty, it’s been over 5 years since I’ve interviewed anywhere. Very much appreciated!

What to expect in 30 min technical interview for data engineering position with hiring manager? I feel technical questions makes sense, sql code up-to two with medium difficulty are fine too. Could they ask me to code python question too? Please tell me any experience or opinion. Thanks in advance


Hope: After a little over two weeks of no communication following what felt like a very good interview, today I sent a “just checking in” type email to the hiring manager. Twenty minutes later (cont)


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DM your Email ID with Job Code to Apply for LTI-Larsen and Toubro Infotech.

*Only for Experienced Candidates*

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Yoe: 4 Yrs.
Stack: Java.

Do we really get 15% variable pay ?


Anyone aware of Baringa SC/M salary? Unsure how accurate glassdoor is


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Hi, Everyone.

I have two YOE in one of the Big 4s. Current salary is 16 lpa(fixed + bonus). Have an offer from EY India.

They are offering Consultant role in their Advisory Division. Should I insist on Senior Con. ? They are citing lack of experience as a reason.

Also what is the Salary I can ask? I understand there might be band limitations. Just wanted to understand if someone can shed some light on the max. I should expect & can someone help me understand about the bonuses there? TIA


I just finished my MBA and I am an electrical engineer of 10years experience. I received a job offer as a senior engineer from a an engineering company. I previously discussed project manager role with this company but they extend me a senior engineer position.
I would like to get advice on what to do, how to proceed, and have an idea of salary that i should negociate if i decide to go with the company?

That was just a preview…
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