Did a teladoc consultation today and got confirmed for ADHD. Was asked to go on medication given nature of job. Was told side effects are negligible after 30 years of age. Thoughts?

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When it comes to medication, there’s three main ones: Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Adderral. There’s a few things you can try when you experiment; drug, dosage, and release (fast vs extended). The key thing that’s going to matter between all of them is tweaking dosage. Some people might need 50mg or extended release adderral while you might need 100mg - experimentation is the key.

You definitely want to keep a mini journal of medication, dosing, positives and side effects


Do you want to try medication? Just curious because your phrasing ‘was asked to go on medication’ sounds like you have hesitations.

Personally, I started meds at 30, a few years after diagnosis. It’s worked well for me. Took a few weeks to figure out which family of stimulants and dosage. For me, Adderall and Vyvanse have worse side effects (jitters, sweatiness, horrible headaches when the meds wear off) than Ritalin. Have none of those on Ritalin.


Got it! Thanks I just requested scheduling there. The person is listed as a doctor, hopefully he can prescribe.


He can’t prescribe stimulants but he can prescription other non-stimulant options


Oh no problem. Drop a burner means leave a spoofed / fake email (burner) that’s untraceable to mask your identity


I’ve just heard these side effect stories so worried a bit

Also different kinds of food will affect absorption. For example, citric acid will decrease Ritalin absorption. So if you take a morning dose with OJ, you might not get the full effect you expect.

Wow you can get that from teladoc? I’m pretty sure I have it but I have been in travel cases and don’t have time to go to a doctor. How did you go about scheduling? Is it included in your plan? Good quality of service?

BCG2: yeah , just open teladoc and it’s a straightforward process. I feel it’s great for mental issues where we only talk.
The only problem is, only doctors can prescribe over teladoc and it’s hard to get their teladoc appointment. I met a therapist who was not qualified to prescribe meds, but she works with adhd patients. Now I have to find someone else to prescribe which is a pain.

BCG2: was the person able to prescribe? Just had another teladoc with a doctor who also says these drugs can’t be prescribed over teladoc and now I have to go in person on Saturday.

I was wondering about that... stimulants are highly regulated and differs by state. The irony that for people who need meds to focus, the process of getting the meds is an endless set of hoops.

Get good (build relationship) with a sales-focused psychiatrist and BCG doesn’t need referrals for specialists. They may not be best for you long-term but they get you drugs in 15-30 mins.

I’m in central NJ and my doc can get it to me fairly quick (<15 mins). I can hook up names, just let me know and I’ll drop my burner

Thanks C1.Meeting this doc on Saturday and then I don’t have to meet her for another 3-4 months.

Meanwhile, what is “drop a burner”, see that a lot in fb, what does it mean and how do you do the said thing


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Need to brag- for the first time in my life, my performance review says "very organized".

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Anyone else have this issue?


When going up in dosages (20mg to 40mg of vyvanse), will the affects be more substantial (ie i’m able to focus more intensely), or will I feel the same but the medication will just last longer (ie it lasts 6 instead of 4 hours)?


Have SO much technical documentation to read by the end of the week. Very dry, but detailed. Probably about 300 pages worth.

Even with meds, focus is tough. Content is just so dry, but I need to be able to understand it to an extent. Can anyone provide any tips/tricks??


What medication (if any) have you used that has worked well? Atomoxetine was doing pretty well for me but I was having allergic reactions. Tried a couple other non stimulants but those didn’t work so now I’m switching to a stimulant.

For anyone taking stimulants, how often do you take yours? Daily or as needed?


Anyone have issues with (frequent) oversleeping?


As someone with ADHD, have you ever asked for adjustments to the interview process (PST, case interview, etc.)?

If so, what did you ask for (extra time, or anything else else)? and did you feel like it helped?


How long did it take for you to get an appointment for an ADHD diagnostic test? Why does it take so long, and why is it that most places would take a message but never call back?

Modafinil and efficiency: Please share experiences with time-blindness, being inefficient and not 80/20 with tasks because of over focus. I feel on stimulants it's very difficult to be "quick" which is key in strategy consulting. Anyone have solutions here? I realised modafinil helps but it drains the hell out of you and completely destroys your sleep. That's my concern.


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Went through a professional diagnosis at a reputable local hospital and the results came back that I don’t have it as I scored too well on their testing measurements.

Normally one would be relieved, but I have a tough time buying it. It doesn’t explain my lack of focus, persistent daydreaming, zoning out of conversations, subpar short term memory, inability to sit perfectly still for stretches of time.

Do I go seek a second opinion?


I really enjoy the benefits of adderal, however it makes me very very angry. I lose myself and become a total monster. Say and do things I normally wouldn’t, and then am really embarrassed. It has almost cost me my relationship but thankfully my partner keeps forgiving me, knowing it’s the adderal. Anyone else have those issues?


My psychiatrist today revealed to me that I may have ADHD, still a hypothesis that he is still exploring but from my personal experiences and discussions with therapist, it seems likely.

One example of personal experience is my ongoing prep for case studies as I'm interviewing with a number of firms. I do struggle to keep focus and generally take a bit longer to finish them, specifically the structuring of the case. Does anybody else feel the same way and any recommendations to overcome this?

How do you read text-heavy documents when on stimulants? I find it difficult to focus after day 2 / 3 on stimulants but somehow on Modafinil and coffee much better at reading and speed reading


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