Does Deloitte reach out to current employer during background check? asking b/c its a small company and not trying to set off any alarms. Will it suffice to provide paystubs and a W2?


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Yes, but you can have them wait until you give your 2-week notice.

I'd prefer not to give any notice until background check fully clears (low risk). Is there anyway to just provide them with artifacts confirming you work there?

When I was hired by Deloitte I didn’t expect a call directly to my former boss verifying employment status, he called me immediately after asking if I was looking to switch. It was unpleasant awkward conversation. I see no reason for such background checks

They have a third party confirm your employment after you put in your notice. It's typically to your company's hr rep.

right, but I don't want to put in notice until the bc clears. Anyway to just give them artifacts to prove employment?

TBA: Your Background check will never complete if they don’t reach your current employer. They have to complete the check before you join the firm. In my case I requested Deloitte to contact my at that time current employer only after my H1B transfer is completed and they agreed to that. They will complete other background checks and before a week or two of joining they will contact the employer and you can give your employer heads up before that. You can openly discuss this with HR they are mostly cool with it and also gives you possible options

Ok, what if they can't reach your current employer? (via call). Do you provide paystubs or other proof of employment?

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