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Hi, any references available for a new grad (USC, Los Angeles)? Internship experience with commodities and data analysis for an energy tech VC firm. Any help or experienced advice is much appreciated.


Any leads on industry roles/companies that are actively hiring folks with energy/sustainability/utilities experience? Ideally looking for leadership roles that have >$200K TC


Doing some research on a company called Crux. Has anyone heard of them? What’s your opinion on what they’re trying to do? Other opinions on them also welcome


Is there a historical database for the price of carbon somewhere? I can’t find anything reliable


Is anyone willing to chat if you are within the energy practice/focus within a consulting firm? Curious to know what type of projects / problems you are seeing? Im trying to move from Climate Tech to … more


Director looking to exit into the renewables or energy transition space. Hit me up with leads if you're hiring!


We are seeking a company partner with a proven track record of successfully awarded projects by the US Department of Energy.

Additionally, experience or interest in data analytics, geographic analysis, transportation modeling… more


Best sources for EV trends, news?


Hi! Would love to connect with Charles River Associates for an energy transition senior consultant role. Please let me know if you would be willing to chat.


Any insights about EY's energy/digital grid consulting interview process? What are the technical questions you might expect? Thanks


I’m a tech consultant but having trouble getting onto an energy project based on where I’m aligned in my firm. I have an analytics and DS background. Would anyone have recommendations on breaking into… more


Hi All, Starting new as an energy engineer. Working on building energy efficiency projects and learning the dynamics of the industry.
1.Need some insights on paths to grow in this role? (How and where to put my efforts in)<… more


Anyone from US Guidehouse willing to chat and potentially refer for a role I believe have a good fit. Have 9 yrs of experience in energy industry, including decarbonization, electrification strategy, … more


Hey all, anyone here can do me a solid and share what are the main challenges in using Hydrogen as a fuel and energy storage?


Hi everyone. Any one from Enbridge and willing to help me to get a referral for a role in Calgary. The role is for a Data advisor.


Seeking recommendations for electric & gas industry/professional association activities to network, raise visibility of our company.


Best resource to learn about the energy generation world and trading? Would appreciate some courses, books, or leads.


New to the ETRM space for renewables, finance background - any recommendations on self-taught learning? resources? learning Endur? So far this space has felt like learning a language only passed orall… more


Anyone currently work at Siemens PTI? Considering a jump so was curious if anyone had any insights on Work Life Balance, type of work, etc.


Has any US citizen had success getting a job abroad in the energy industry? Whether that be through a US company (i.e. transferring offices) or by applying to utilities or consulting companies abroad?


Anyone here working at GTI Energy ?

Can somebody point me in the right direction to educate myself on the dynamics of wholesale electricity sales? Specifically, looking at generation activities in one state and sales to other ISO/ RTO’s… more


Which consulting firms have the best Energy practices?


Any insights into the Canada renewable energy market? Seeking to make a transition from US & Latam markets


McKinsey & Company Bain & Company Where are all of the folks working to help solve arguably the greatest challenge our generation?! Energy bowl is dead, anyone willing to share their roles and how they‘re supporting the energy transition? Hoping this can help lead others to promising and meaningful career paths in energy (and also hope this post won’t be a total dud). Thanks EY Deloitte Accenture PwC McKinsey & Company Boston Consulting Group Bain & Co… more


What is a starting salary for a senior consultant that does energy transformation consulting at other consulting companies? I know GH underpays lower than market, but I’m having a hard time gauging ho… more

Working in the energy industry for over 8 years. Been working with GIZ for the last six years as a national employee in Pakistan. Lots of experience in B2B, energy access and utility scale renewables. Would be ve… more

Having worked with energy now for a decade, I find myself enjoying the craziness of it all: You're always two decisions (in Moscow or Riyadh) away from prices halving or doubling. War or no war is… more


Hearing and seeing a lot about how McKinsey have messed up at bp... why are they still paying them?

Best startups in the utility space?


Hi energy fish, I’m currently in the process of breaking into the energy industry. My education is in energy engineering but I got sidetracked. Now, what is better as a pivot point for later exits and… more


If anyone here is interested in transitioning to a firm with great WLB and a wonderful culture, our E&U group is hiring across all levels as we're rapidly growing. If interested to hear more, … more


How are you all involved in your local communities wrt the environment / sustainability / climate / energy? I want to get more involved but not sure what is out there. Any ideas welcome!


Hello all, I'm a junior level consultant in the ERP space. I'm passionate about energy and the growing renewables field. Given my current career, are there any careers I can pivot to in the fu… more

Hello Energy Fish: I am interviewing with McK for their Energy team, anyone here have an idea about what the interview is going to look like and what kinda preparation would be needed ? I have 6 YOE in Uti… more


Anyone know anything about Johns Hopkins Engineering for Professionals grad programs? Do they carry the same weight as a normal grad program?

Hi Energy fish, I’m currently an economic consultant working in Energy with 2.5 YOE. Would anyone in the energy industry be willing to critique my resume? It would be ideal if you had consulting exper… more


Working as an analyst in Energy Practice assisting case teams with renewables, utilities, O&G, digital strategy. Net experience 2 years! Want to go for higher studies.

Should I
1. Go for technical masters? (if yes, … more


For those of you who have exited where did you exit to? What are good industry exists that aren’t utilities?

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