{ "_id": "5d8994d745584d001abf0bcd", "_isBlocked": false, "creationDate": "2019-09-24T04:00:23.546Z", "categories": [], "description": "This is where we can discuss anything related to Green Card, including but not limited to processing times, etc. ", "relatedCrowdIds": [ "564a5cdb94887803001dd07c" ], "fishIconColor": "2b6b0b", "hideNumberOfUsers": false, "iconUrl": "", "rectangleIconUrl": "", "isLocked": false, "isCommentsEnabled": false, "isPublic": false, "handleUrl": "green-card", "isVisible": true, "name": "Green Card", "networkingEnabled": false, "numberOfNetworkingUsers": 2, "numberOfUsers": 132, "feedState": { "countOfMessages": 8, "countOfUserMessages": 8, "countOfSystemMessages": 0, "lastMessage": "My PERM was received on August 2022 but I still didn’t hear from my lawyer that’s it’s been approved. How long usually does PERM get approved nowadays?", "lastSign": "EY", "lastUpdateDate": "2023-03-27T03:06:46.013Z", "lastMessageDate": "2023-03-27T03:06:46.013Z", "countOfUserComments": 1 }, "priority": 0, "type": 2, "creatorId": "5d894f3432cd1b00219bc232", "bowlType": "58e6c35170558a0016aae959", "bowlTypeName": "Custom Bowl", "background": { "from": "90EF37", "to": "FFDC5F" }, "divisions": [], "numberOfFollowers": 2, "promptsDisabled": true, "roomEnabled": false, "regions": [ "61891c8e2ca26eaffdf8d90f" ], "requestToJoinSettings": { "isJoinReasonRequired": false, "shouldRequestPhoto": false, "isMultipleChoiceEnabled": false }, "bowlTypes": [ { "bowlTypeId": "58e6c35170558a0016aae959", "bowlTypeName": "Custom Bowl" } ], "suggestedIndustry": { "_id": "564a5cdb94887803001dd07c", "name": "Accounting", "iconUrl": "https://dslntlv9vhjr4.cloudfront.net/crowd_images/zj3ywsPCyzAEx.png", "crowdIconUrl": "https://dslntlv9vhjr4.cloudfront.net/crowd_images/vF7zC3SYmCtvA.png" }, "noIndex": false, "lastView": "" }
This is where we can discuss anything related to Green Card, including but not limited to processing times, etc.
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My PERM was received on August 2022 but I still didn’t hear from my lawyer that’s it’s been approved. How long usually does PERM get approved nowadays?


Please share your predictions for eb2 employment based category prediction for June 2022 visa bulletin hoping to see some forward movement in dof


I’m currently a Senior in Tax! Have more than 18 months left though on my h-1 but was wondering if anyone started their GC process a little early? I’ve heard that sometimes Deloitte won’t start the p… more


If I get married to someone not a US national while my greenvard is processing, how does it impact my spouse’s ability to join me in the US?


Any aos interview rescheduled?

I-693 process. I recently submitted my marriage based green card paperwork with the exception of the I-693. As someone who doesn't have vaccination records available, what is the process?

Uscis office re-opening starting today. Lets get those interviews!!!


How much is payout to company (pwc) if i leave as soon as i get my green card?


Anyone has moved a company while 485 is pending?

That was just a preview…
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