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Ranges from 2 weeks to 6 months. Buckle up
^yes it can.
Don't go
Our experienced hire recruiting is an embarrassment, so be ready for anything. All worthwhile once you're in the door tho
So I'll give you insight into my situation (started EY as an experienced hire almost 3 years ago) .. went through all the interviews and superday, got positive feedback, on my drive back home from the superday, I got an email from EY saying that I did not get the job.... I instantly contacted my recruiting contact and he said that the system auto generated those emails after a certain time due to end of year shit and that all my interviewers loved me and he was certain I would get an offer soon. Next day he called me and said I got the job, but they are working on the official offer... three months later I finally got the offer for a start date a month later... moral of the story... be patient (the wait was killing me too!) good luck 😊
I mean there's no way it can be six months.
I am just an anxious on a. ) What's the final offer. b.) Hope they don't change their mind after saying nice things
entire process. but offer turnaround for me was 4+ weeks because of a freeze on hiring
late 2013, but i know of much more recent similar stories
After you have been told that hiring mgr / partner etc likes you and would want you to join EY?
What practice?
6 months is a long time. Is that true? Should I ask them for a time estimate?
Within IT Advisory/ FSO?
4 weekd
I know you K1.
They got back to me the day after the partner interview. I declined the offer, but it was definitely less than 24 hours.
^a number of colleagues and i had a 4 month timeline to get hired
EY2 is it for HR to turn around the offer or the entire interview process ?
When did you join or perhaps which practice?
^I would have quit the process if I had had another offer. Was a bad omen. Internal processes and systems are very poor at EY.