How soon after trigger shot did you get your period / pregnancy test? No period and am eager. I don’t go into the RE for another week (trigger shot two weeks ago tomorrow).

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The challenge with using trigger shot is that you can get false positive on home pregnancy test for days after. So you need to test it out to be confident in home test results. As a rule of thumb I’ve heard 6/7 days to test our trigger shot; 12-14 days is soonest for home test to detect pregnancy, but don’t despair if it takes a few days longer.

Buy some test strips and start peeing!


Yup. Just bite the bullet and buy some cheap ovulation and pregnancy tests on amazon. You’ll quickly become an addict like me. Actually maybe on second thought, don’t do that.

Typically you ovulate about 36 hours after trigger shot. If you’re on a “normal” 28 day cycle, you should get your period 14 days after ovulation. If you’re pregnant, the best tests (FRER) should show positive a few days before period. Good luck!!

I do too. The trigger shot should force ovulation 36 hours after the shot. You can also get cheap ovulation predictor strips on amazon if you want to check on your own. If you’re about 2 weeks out from trigger shot, you probably could take a pregnancy test and see!

I got cramping today so I assume I will get my period tomorrow. I cried this morning.

I’m sorry OP. I’ve been there so many time and it doesn’t get easier. Not really much we can say to make this feel better but we’re here for you. Stay strong

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