I recently got a promotion but my pay raise was 13%. I’ve heard the saying “if it isn’t at least 20%, it isn’t a real promotion”. However I also don’t want to look this gift horse in the mouth in the midst of a pandemic. What do you think I should do?

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Be happy you they gave you a pay raise all I'm seeing are title upgrades with zero pay increase which is just brutual.


21grams W20 since they are private are wayyyyy better at raises and bonuses. But you guys so totally earn your battle pay.


Anytime I negotiate a raise or new rate, I’m honest: I’m grateful for their offer, but it’s low and I’ll leave if I someone else will pay me more.
I’m a business. I negotiate my rate the same way I negotiate for my clients.
They then ask their boss if there’s any room to negotiate or make an exception, so we start things on the right foot or keep me happy and not desperate to leave. I arm them with research from industry friends or glassdoor or fishbowl or whatever. This is key.
They then have to come back and explain why they can’t pay you more. This often creates concrete next steps. I had one company tell me they’d put me on a faster pay raise cycle to help me catch up to a salary I deserved. Another thought that I’m overvaluing myself, so I knew I had to leave. Have these conversations. No surprises. A lot of people want to help and will help if they have any power. Lots of people have histories of leaving one agency to get a promotion then come back at a higher title. Leaving helps you get your rate up to what you deserve. I always recommend it.


Depends on your talent, position & ego

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In house raises at the same agency typically are anywhere from 3-10 percent; 13 is great.

The 20-30% raises that you’ve heard about generally come into play when switching agencies or companies.


Hey @COO (sorry for the late reply)...that’s good advice but how does one get their hands on this magical “salary band” that seems to be locked in HR’s secret filing cabinet? That’s why there are so many salary questions on here (Hey I make $xx, is that good??) Because no one knows their value! Talking money is taboo. That needs to change.


Never one head of anyone getting a 20% raise, that's a great raise. Be proud of yourself!


20%? Maybe on wall street or something. I’d say the norm is more like 7-10%. So 13% is great and should be a decent quality of life bump.


If it makes you feel better, I got my ACD title a few months ago and with it a 7% bump.


Yeah but you were already making $160k!



A 20% raise in a good economy would be pretty much unheard of. In a global recession 13% is great.


Getting a new for less than 20% is often not encouraged but I’ve seen plenty of promotions in the 10-15% range. Remember you’re often at the top of one salary band and moving into the bottom of the next, not the top.


As others said - that 20% you’re looking for mostly happens when you quit to accept a new job. Internal raise of 13% is fine.


You got a raise in the middle of a pandemic. Be happy you got a raise in the middle of a pandemic. Pandemic.


I think you should be grateful that you got a promotion and a large pay raise during a pandemic - otherwise you may appear greedy and unappreciative. They may wish they gave it to someone else. Remember: a lot of people were furloughed or experienced pay freezes which are still in effect.


There’s no one rule for all agencies. How well did your company do over the last year? What was your contribution to that growth? Anything over cost of living is gravy. If you can prove you deserve more...go for it. But don’t do so merely out of a sense of entitlement or some silly generalization.


Be happy with what you got. Now is the time to suck it up and go above and beyond to stay employed


Wow congrats! I got a 10% increase and was told not to share that because people weren’t getting increases at all...


Really?? My promotions have been consistently >20%


I like that theory, but not really the case. I interview around and check the market every 6 months.

I think it depends on your situation. Fingers crossed I get a deserved 20% pay bump. I have my annual review this Thursday.


You’re employed you have health insurance, and have a career. Be greatful


Depends, I suppose. If you're making below 100k, the raise % could be higher.


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Hi Fishes,

I have scheduled a HR round in TCS on Monday what % hike can expect for Network Architect role. thanks.

Current CTC is 26.
Yoe- 13


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Here's a question: are you happy?

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34 F, Chicago, 110k

80k / F / 6 yrs experience

Signed offer and asked to renegotiate after 6 months and coming close to the 6 months, planning on 90, is that fair?


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