Guys after a rejection, how many months do I need to wait to reapply at HSBC. I screwed up my interview for Investment Banking Analyst role which I desparately wanted to get into.
I've heard they are actively hiring currently.


I am a consulting analyst who would like to become an investment banking analyst. I have seen a lot of positions requiring candidates with 1-3 years experiences in IB. I have the skills to do the job requirements but have not got the opportunity to get an interview. Anyone who has been in the industry would like to share some tips or share the type of skills that will stand out when getting screened by HR for the first interview, please let me know. I just need 10 minutes of your time.


What’s an appropriate price point to wear to an investment banking analyst interview?

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Anyone has any insights on Senior Product Manager interview at Smartsheet. Have an interview with the Hiring Manager soon, but feeling very under prepared and have no idea on what to expect in the interview. Any suggestions/pointers would be greatly appreciated.



Hi fishes,

I have an offer with Fujitsu as Application developer in Application development and management services

Tech: .net, SQL
Yoe: 3

How is Career growth and job security in Fujitsu?
I was confirmed with Developer role at the time of interview. Will i surely get development role or they will put in any role?


The absolute gall of some recruiters - after weeks of correspondence, and 5 interviews… 👻 👻 👻


Hello Everyone! I have an 2nd interview on tomorrow with 7-Eleven for a Data Analyst role & I’m wondering if anyone could help out with a few interview questions that I could expect. I normally cringe on Behavioral based questions. So I’m trying to prepare greatly. Thanks for any help in advance.


What is the interview process like for a Solution Architect role in Salesforce ?


Hi everyone, can we start a master thread of 2020-2021 application results? I think the below information can be super informative for future applicants!

UG School Type
Schools Applied to (Round?)
Schools Interviewed
Schools Waitlisted
Schools Accepted (scholarship)
School Chosen and reason
Application Consultant


I’m a midlevel Big Law associate applying for in-house positions that ask for experience drafting and negotiating agreements. I have negotiated a few agreements, but I am light in the area, though I have the substantive knowledge and I’m comfortable marking up agreements. If asked about my negotiation experience in an interview, I plan to talk about the agreements I have negotiated and some of the issues that came up. How would you recommend I talk about my negotiation skills in an interview?


Hope: After a little over two weeks of no communication following what felt like a very good interview, today I sent a “just checking in” type email to the hiring manager. Twenty minutes later (cont)


I want to start applying to roles at big 4, MBB, FAANG and need to make sure my resume is 100000%!!

Can anyone help me with this? I’ll also take recommendations on resume writing services y’all have used in the past



Hey Fishes,

I am preparing for Google Cloud Engineer - AI role
I know there would be DS & Algo, Programming and ML Questions but
I was given a long list of topics to prepare by google - Web/Internet Technologies, Databases/SQL/NoSQL, Linux/Unix, Distributed Systems, System Design, Troubleshooting, Networking
Any suggestions on which topics to concentrate more on ,
any good resources that you can think of and any interview experiences would be very useful, Thanks in advance


Applying for the greycroft associate role (consumer/ FinTech & InsurTech). Any application tips?


I hate my site. I’ve been here 7 years and it’s time to move on. I have two interviews. But with the Coronavirus and the impending recession should I just suck it up and stay for my family. Thoughts?


Cross posting here - can someone please share the comp range for a tech strategy consultant? Thanks! I am interviewing with 3 yoe and want to ensure I'm not being lowballed


I’m interviewing for BCG and had a principal reach out to me for a zoom chat. Is this normal for principals to reach out or is this a positive sign?

Hello Ladies! I want to set up a mentorship program in here. If you are interested, drop a note below with the following info:
1. What areas would you like Mentorship?
2. What areas could you mentor others in?
We can all then reach out and connect based on what we offer/is offered to us! Let's blow this up!!!
I'll start:
1. I would like mentorship on stakeholder management on Sr. VP/CEO level.
2. I can offer mentorship on product/program management, interview prep and how to get credit is due!


Has anyone been contacted about a creative role at Kraken? I interviewed there and then they mined my LinkedIn contacts and began offering to interview people I knew for the same job. Shady AF.

I had my first interview for an in-house position with the HR Manager last Thursday. She said they were looking to hire before the end of the month and next steps were to have one-on-ones with the rest of the team. I haven't heard anything back and we're almost half-way through the month. Should I follow-up and ask for the status of my application?


When it comes to talking salary during the interview process. I know people say to let them make the first offer. But when that happens do you still try to negotiate up?


I’ve been trying to get into The Walt Disney Company for years and can’t seem to make any progress. I’ve tried introducing myself and connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn and of course, applying to jobs on their site. Would anyone happen to have any words of advice for someone trying to transition from the ad industry into the entertainment industry?


HCL interview questions
Handle exceptions thrown by a thread?
Can JVM (through class loaders) load same class twice ?
Why only in synchronised block we can have wait and notify method ?
Which one will you choose : Soap or Rest ?
What is CI/CD ?
Row Mapper v/s ResultSetMapper
describe Oauth flow


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I'm not getting relocation bonus even being from another state because I've done my cllg from this city. HR said relocation bonus will not be given if you've done your schooling, college or internship from this city earlier. Is this true?


According to my wearable device, I barely have REM sleep. Indeed I do not dream much for a long time and I’m still in 20s. Is this something I should be worried about?


Looking to pivot into angel/venture cannabis investing. Does anyone know of firms in MA?


What is the onboarding process for KPMG. I have my joining next week but haven't received any information related to onboarding yet.


Has anyone tried Peachy for Botox in NYC? How was your experience? Haven’t done Botox before but want to start!


I left a little doorstep herb garden out over the winter. Do we think anything will come back or is it dunzo? Basil, cilantro and thyme. My rosemary out there persevered!


Best areas of the U.S. for cyber jobs?


Apple credit card. I’m torn. I want it out of my love for Apple but the rewards aren’t worth it...


Did Lupron mess with anyone else’s period? I’m doing microdose for this transfer cycle and my period is typically like clockwork, but I’m 3 days late and need to get it going in order to not push back transfer date. Thoughts or recs? Thanks!


Hey guys, I was part of talent consulting at Accenture and it was absolutely not for me in terms of work life balance and any respect for personal time. I have worked in big consulting before and actually liked it but maybe it’s been a while. Does anyone recommend any other firms with Human capital / change management practices that may have a good culture and practice what they preach?


I’m a Technical Program Manager with 7 years of experience. I’m pivoting from the nonprofit field to tech. Can someone please recommend contract opportunities? I’m noticing larger tech companies are not hiring full time staff until 2023. I currently reside in NYC.


(Serious) What's the cushiest federal consulting role? I'm looking to make a career pivot from leveraged finance, and want a job with lots of bench time. Thanks!


Best sunset spots in/near the Bay Area, max 1hr drive?


Will I be getting the joining bonus with the first month salary or will I get that after 3 months ? Ps: I joined on 16th august and my first salary is due on 30th September.

Social Strategist needed at an awesome boutique firm in NYC!


Hi fishes, how much variable pay usually paid back. 100%?

Long time city folks that have now flocked to the burbs to get more space due to virus. Are you truly ready for burb life and what comes with taking care of a home or did you just want more space and didn’t give much thought to the former? Have you now moved in and regretted your choice due to all the work that’s involved (maintaining your furnace, hot water heater, Air handler, yard/lawn care, etc..), and/or unexpected maintenance bills you’ve had to pay?


Looking for a job as a MEAN stack or node.js developer
Exp-3.6 years
Any openings in Capgemini?


Have been having a really hard time (low depressive moment) the past few days that have made it really hard to get even the most basic tasks done (for work, or otherwise – I’ve only eaten twice in the past three days bc I can’t really bring myself to get up and make food). What’s worse is I have a ton that I really need to get done (end-of-project final push, moving apartments in about a week, trying to apply to schools, etc.) that will have significant consequences if I don’t put in the work.


Just started a new role 2 months ago and both my boss and co-worker have resigned within the first month 😬🙃 Should I start looking elsewhere?

That was just a preview…
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