Is it unprofessional to have a bed visible on zoom calls? About to go full time remote but my guest room/office layout won’t really allow me to rearrange the room. I usually move my desk for client calls but it’s annoying. Overthinking it? Does anyone actually care?

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Everyone knows this is the covid world. I’ve seen plenty of beds, pets, babies, kids on work calls.


These juice boxes won’t open themselves!


Bed fine. Just don’t leave the bottle of lube out on the dresser next to it 🤦‍♂️



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Some of these responses sound elitist. I’m in a one bedroom apartment with another person working from home in the living room area. There is literally no other space for me to work but in front of my bed. If people are uncomfortable with my clean bedroom and made bed, they can pay me more so I can rent a two bedroom. What’s unprofessional about working from home and actually having a home in the background?


I feel this. Also in a 1 BR apartment with my fiancé. I’ve been working from my kitchen since last March while everyone more senior than me has a nice office in their house in the suburbs lol

Just don’t be like Rudy

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Wait what? Is that Rudy with Kayleigh McEnany?

You can always use the blurred background as well


Correct do not show a bed. Can you angle the camera or use virtual background?


My company just pushed some professional backgrounds for us in Teams. Maybe your company has the same?

I think a bed is fine if it’s neatly made/styled


Blur your background. I work in front of a bed and this is what I do.

A few of my employees have put up room divider screens to keep their private lives private. Always an option if you don’t want people checking out the furniture in your room

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100% this ^ I have one covering up my kitchen space bc it’s always a mess. My sister uses one as a backdrop bc she’s in her bedroom. Also check out Wayfair. They’ve got tons in different styles.


No one cares. I have to work out of my Manhattan bedroom 🤷🏼‍♂️


We have a text before entering rule for this reason lol

Just take all calls laying in your bed. Big boss move.


And sans pants


I doubt anybody actually cares unless there is something super noticeable on it or it’s very messy. But there are lots of options for backgrounds


I was on a call with a colleague and I could see their SO rolling around on the bed in the background. Just NO



Take a picture from a different angle in your home that you feel more comfortable with and make it your virtual background.


I am shocked that people say no bed. This has literally never even crossed my mind. Who cares? Maybe make the bed? Or don’t? Whatever just get your work done


I was on an Oracle call with Larry Ellison and he had a bed and an exercise ball in the background. So even billionaires do it.


I see lots of beds in VC, but you can always blur of you are worried


My boss is a high-powered and extremely effective woman. Her bed *and* vanity full of products is the defining element of her background (bed usually made but ngl we’ve had afternoon calls where it’s not bc she’s had a nap). I appreciate this about her.

We work global and there have been different angles of her home tried out over the years — used to be super clean plain background but since the pandemic she has elected to show that she’s prioritizing quality of life where possible and it doesn’t affect her professionalism at all


I prefer the camera off strategy


What I'm getting from this is that advertising is way more relaxed than consulting. I take calls from bed and so do several others. You only see headboard, wall, and face


This whole subthread is hilarious 😄 For what it's worth, @PM I am also at an ad agency as a creative. Have never been in consulting nor would I want to be. I concur with everyone here that being in bed while taking calls is unprofessional. If you want to do it, camera off. I guess it's cool that no one on your team cares to comment or tell you so, but you better believe that how you are perceived is impacted by it, even if subtly. At the end of the day, unless you are client facing, it may not really matter, if productivity remains high, but you'll always be that guy who can't be bothered to get out of bed for work. It's also subtly disrespectful as many do not have the luxury of lounging around while being paid to do a job. Maybe it's cool, maybe it's not.


It seems like the consensus is that it should not matter, but you could use blur or virtual background if that feels better.

Could you put things on the bed that make it not look like a bed? Idk, I'm envisioning setting it like a table which now sounds hilarious and ridiculous as I type it so I'll just see myself out.
Good luck!


Ya put a bunch of dishes on the bed great idea 😂

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