Anyone transitioned from non-FAANG tech to MBB? Currently working at a startup (unicorn status) and wanting to explore my options. Any insight on transition/qualifications/type of roles at MBB would be greatly appreciated! I’d ideally want to work in digital strategy.

about me: professional services consultant at a tech company, 5 YOE, masters in business management (non-MBA) from a reputable canadian school.

Thank you!


If you were at an MBA, would you rather take an MBB consulting offer or a PM offer at a non-FAANG company? Consulting offers more location flexibility (200K in Atlanta is nice), but Product seems like an attractive career path.


Coming out of MBB, any ideas as to what level product manager I would be able to get coming into FAANG?

Would be leaving as experienced associate, or Engagement manager.

Just starting to inquire as to what’s out there but any advice is appreciated!


McKinsey & Company I'm currently working as a Sr. Program manager at FAANG. 7 YOE overall experience (work and academic experience incl.,) across different domains with analytics and program mgmnt background. Interested in pursuing Engagement manager opportunities at MBB. Can you please help me out with the referrals? Also, I would like to what's the salary range, hiring process, WLB, growth opp., usually like for Engagement manager positions. McKinsey & Company Boston Consulting Group@bain&company


I'm currently working as a Sr. Program manager at FAANG. 7 YOE overall experience (work and academic experience incl.,) across different domains with analytics and program mgmnt background. Interested in pursuing Engagement manager opportunities at MBB. Can you please help me out with the referrals? Also, I would like to what's the salary range, hiring process, WLB, growth opp., usually like for Engagement manager positions. McKinsey & Company Boston Consulting Group@bain& company


At its peak, mbb or faang? Why


Software engineer. I like coding and I was actually rated pretty strong after my first review. I want to get into tech strategy though. I’m not sure if I should set my goals toward being a FAANG software engineer or a MBB tech strategy consultant. Long term goal is to reach director/CTO level


I’ve been at FAANG for a year and due to the economic climate I’m considering going back to consulting but I’d rather work at MBB than Big4 if I’m going to do consulting.
Does such a switch happen often? I’m thinking about going to the technical wings of MBB companies like Quantum Black. I also have a non target school so don’t know about my chances.


McKinsey & Company Bain & Company How is MBB's Human Capital Consulting practice? I also have an offer as FAANG Product Manager in the same city with similar compensation. I have 7YOE in risk management at an industry specific (tech) boutique investment bank.
McKinsey & Company Boston Consulting Group Bain & Company

MBB Human Capital or FAANG Product Manager? Both are in NYC and compensation is similar. I have 7YOE in risk management at an industry specific (tech) boutique investment bank.


To all you wonderful folks, a fundamental question: how does one break into PE Ops? Have 10+ yrs in top tech (FAANG) and 2 yrs in MBB as EM. Also, wondering if it makes sense to hold out for AP before a move?


Would you take a 15% pay cut to work for MBB vs. getting a 20% raise from FAANG?

I am now working in middle management for a retail product company.


Do you think it’s worth pursuing a job in MBB for Cyber? Not sure if the brand name carries over in this field. Alternative options are Big4 or security/tech companies (FAANG, Mandiant, etc.)

What are the top/desirable exit opps among MBB at PL/EM - PR/AP level? (PE ops? FAANG - what type of tole? Other?) Top/desirable based on a good mix of $/wlb/interesting work


Is it harder to get an MBB job or product manager role (faang) out of a top 10 MBA program

If I went from FAANG to MBB, would that be a bad transition if I’m interested in Data Analytics. QuantumBlack, Platinion, Advanced Analytics. Sure I’d probably become a SQL/Pandas monkey but I feel like MBB has access to the coolest data in the world and I miss being able to work with a variety of industries. I do hate making slides but MBB seems pretty serious about having dedicated Data Scientists/Engineers as SMEs.


Can anyone please help with a referral for companies in Middle East ( be it consulting or industry)? Recently had MBB final round interview and FAANG on-site , but unfortunately got rejected. But i wanna move to ME, so would be very thankful for any help 🙏


Ever notice how employees at different companies respond to referral requests?
MBB - ignore
FAANG- ignore
Boutique- mostly ignore
Big 4 - PICK ME! No I’ll do it! Oh no, I’m happy to help, DM!!!, I’ll Refer you NOW! ~slurp, snarl, hand rub, slime drip~



McKinsey & Company Bain & Company Why does tier 1 consulting pay so much less than tier 1 tech when consulting candidates (usually) go to better schools? I’m talking about software engineers making 200k TC at FAANG vs 130k TC MBB? McKinsey & Company Bain & Company Boston Consulting Group

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I’m currently at a FAANG and I’m kinda bored. I know most of you are going the other way around but I kinda miss being able to work on stuff that has an impact and the rush of consulting. Can anyone at MBB tell me how it is for technical work especially Quantum Black? I feel like MBB has cool clients I can do Data Analysis for.

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Does it make sense to accept an offer from MBB? Currently in FAANG 200k base, around 50k RSU and 25k bonus yearly. 25 hours/week. Offer is 260k base, 30% bonus no RSU.


Would you quit MBB for FAANG PM? In North America.


I’m in a FAANG and turned down an MBB offer a few months back due to being lowballed on comp and somewhat weird policies when compared to the tech industry, but now my company is a mess due to the recession and I am regretting it. Plus I can still see the original position open on their site.

Should I reapply? Reach out to one of the interviewers? What is MBB policy for this kind of situation? Parting was amicable, but I don’t know if there will be any bias.

Is working at MBB in 2022 still makes sense? I bet it was a huge deal back in 2000s , but right now when there are so many great startups, FAANG, etc


What’s a better path into those high paying product management roles at FAANG? Mbb/tier 2 consulting, or industry product management (eg. at a company like Visa)?


Non FAANG tech (think salesforce, PayPal, Sqaure, etc.) proposed compensation for 2nd yr MBB EM - ~200 base, 40 bonus, 100k stock vesting over 4 years, sign on bonus 25. How would you rate this? Worth consideration?

In TC calculations, would you count 100K stocks or only 25 that vest in y1?

Currently have two offers and am looking for advice from current MBB folks.

1. APM program at a FAANG type company
2. BA Offer from McKinsey

Would I be missing out if I skipped the consulting path and went straight to PM? Not sure if that's what I want to do long term.

Thanks in advance.


Are there any software engineers here that have gone from FAANG or similar, to an engineering role at an MBB? What motivated you and what's your experience been like?


Evaluating 3 options (all quite different):
A) FAANG L6 bizops: TC 330K
Pros: WLB, remote flexibility/no travel
Cons: Trajectory $450k+ is not clear/reachable within 3-4 years, mundane work / low intellectual stimulation
B) T2 PE Value Creation/ODD SM: ~TC $380k
Pros: great team, interesting work/space, growing team/investment area, remote, growth trajectory to $500+TC (aiming for P)
Cons: bad WLB (esp pre-deals)
C) MBB PL/EM: ~TC $380k
Pros: brand, growth trajectory (same as above)
Cons: wlb


Contemplating a career switch into consulting as I want to go non-technical. I don't want to pay 250k for ivy league MBA. I have a MS in computer engg from a top 5 engineering school. 7YOE at a top 3 semiconductor as ML/AI engineer.

I can get 300+ maybe up to 400-450k TC in FAANG but not liking technical stuff anymore.

Do you think aiming for MBB for a Management Consulting[tech domain] role is a stretch given I have no consulting background? What kind of compensation can I expect?


If MBB provides such great exit opportunities. Then why there are thousands of casing coaches (ex MBB) who spam their services everyday across the internet instead of becoming VP in industry, hedge fund or exiting to FAANG? I’m not trying to bash anyone, but rather genuinely curious


Any current MBB move from FAANG. If so, what role were you previously (and what level you went to) and how are you liking it?


For a non-tech professional, would exiting into FAANG/MAMMA from MBB or Accenture be better?


What do MBB partners exit to typically at FAANG? What comp changes do they see? Can they score a manager role in tech if they have a strong tech background (STEM PhD etc.)?

Off note: What happens to a partners stake when they leave an MBB? Do they get paid out or something?

#bcg #bain #mckinsey


Wondering if I should pursue this, currently at MBB as C2, debating to take final round interview to lateral to another MBB or to exit (already got offers) to strategy ops role at tech firm, not faang but close to EM/PL money.

I have fomo about not exiting but also half of me still feels like I’ll miss consulting. Also for the records, I hate where I am and already declared transition, so staying is not an option.


Typically what type of positions management consultants (say from MBB, Tier 2) exit into FAANG?


Anyone go from faang back to mbb/t2 consulting? Unconventional path, but would like to hear stories as to why and any regrets?


I’m going to save a lot of people a whole lot of pain and time.

THIS is your rubric for weighing offers:

…McKinsey > BCG > Bain
…EY > Deloitte > PwC > KPMG
…MBB > FAANG / MAANG > Big 4
… Big 4 > Lower tier consulting companies (e.g., Accenture.)
… Industry C-Suite Executive > Consulting
… Consulting > Fed, state, local Government (all levels)

You’re welcome!

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I had a FAANG final round on Monday, and I just got a final round at another company. FAANG is my first choice. I once successfully put pressure on MBB to expedite my process because I had an *offer* from another company, but would it hurt to reach out to my recruiter with something like "I am absolutely confident after my interview with X that if Y offered me this job, I'd 100% accept their offer without hesitation, as long as I receive Y's offer first," if I don't yet have the other offer?


Help please!!!

Strategy & Ops at large tech company (non-FAANG) - 120K TC (San Francisco)

Rotational Program at Industrial Firm - 170K TC (Chicago)

Industrial Company:
- Would pay for grad school
- Comp is insane
- Work is more niche
- Company culture is rough
- MBB / tech exit
- smaller less known company

Tech Company:
- Cool company
- well known
- Enter tech early on
- Salary lower than other by a lot
- PM / Biz Ops exits

Both companies have good MBA placement. What would you do?


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Any other former B4 or MBB partners glad they left consulting for FAANG leadership role? As one who is so glad I am doing something different after 20 years in the “grind” I am looking for others who have made the move!


I want to start applying to roles at big 4, MBB, FAANG and need to make sure my resume is 100000%!!

Can anyone help me with this? I’ll also take recommendations on resume writing services y’all have used in the past



MBB & FAANG fish - curious if the kind of companies that reach out to you on LinkedIn are mostly similar companies(tier 1) or is it mostly messages from recruiters from smaller orgs/tier 2 companies


Wharton EMBA worth it? Late career starter so limited white collar experience but interesting background/past life. Also have kids to support so can’t do a full time program. Want the MBA for career boost ($), as an entry to faang/MBB and to have more security for future opportunities. Worth it? Does the EMBA have the same faang/MBB recruitment access and weight as full time?


I know this kind of thing has been asked to death but m3 nyc area, making $177k, $194 total comp. MC, health/LS with some hot tech skills. 10 YOE.
I feel like i can do better elsewhere?

Interviewing at lots of places including FAANG, MBB, and some startups and f500 companies. Does B4 pay better as well? I have an intro call with PWC soon as well.


Career advice- if you had the option to either join Strategy/Finance at a big tech or work there as a SWE what would you do? Was offered those choices or stay DS or become PM at my current T2 tech co. I see lots of people with big TC in the first group at FAANG but I’m still not sure what finance does, they’re all ex MBB/IB folks


People who have made it to the perceived “top/best” place in their career field/education (MBB, FAANG, top PE fund, HSW, etc): do you feel satisfied? Have you had to recalibrate your goals? If so, what are those goals?


Is it worth jumping to Deloitte (offer in hand currently) in order to position myself better for FAANG 3-5 years down the line? Other options include staying at BAH or trying to get into MBB.


Need some resume help. Any resources that people have used successfully or fish that are willing to help? Applying to MBB as well as FAANG PM roles. Anyone with experience in either of those would be great.


Why is it apparently delusional to think 25 year olds in our profession should have 100k+ NW, when in adjacent threads people are saying PLs at MBB at 25/26 make 250k+ and FAANG offers exist for 400+?


How hard is it to move to FAANG from a relatively unknown boutique consulting firm? Are there extra leaps compared to MBB or Big 4, or if you get a referral you have similar odds?


I have 4YOE in tech implementations . i want to move around to get better pay. should I target FAANG or MBB? Primary driver to exit is better compensation . Thanks fam


FAANG Exit to MBB?
3.5 YOE, Non-technical, 150k TC

Been at Alphabet my entire career post-undergrad. Undergrad was a pretty general liberal arts degree and haven’t pursued grad school yet.

What would it look like (from a TC + long term career standpoint) to switch over to consulting for a year or two then go back to my non-tech tech lifestyle?


For data science exits does it go something like this? Any industry players I'm missing? Have been in process with all and currently in process with all but one and trying to prioritize.

VC (supporting investing with tech expertise) > hedge funds > FAANG/high growth startups >> lower tier unicorns >>> MBB


Considering an exit from MBB (mostly doing strategy work) to a tech PM role (not FAANG, but comparable). No TC numbers yet, but directionally comp and WLB will both improve. Any thoughts on the long term career outlook for PMs? Does the ownership / P&L responsibility set you up for more senior roles in orgs or is the common exit from PMing another PM gig? PM exits seem to be highly sought after on this bowl, but I’m wondering if people end up getting stuck in those roles.


Did anyone make a transition from being an MBB data scientist to a FAANG data scientist?
1. How did you differentiate your value proposition? Given the solid technical bar, does consult and business skills create an advantage?
2. How do you feel about the change?
3. Any tips on the preparation process?


Which career path will u choose for yourself and why? Options - 1) CXO of large tech co., like FAANG 2) partner with b4/mbb 3) CXO of a unicorn - like stripe or what Facebook was in 2006/2007, with a huge upside when it goes public 4) start a company of ur own that has a decent shot of becoming successful. All the options will make u rich and yes u only have 4 options.


Would you rather be a PM at FAANG or generalist at MBB? And why?


Here is my idea for a startup! I collect all the data from career transitions and use Data Analytics to predict the most likely career transitions. I could start with consulting. What do you guys think about this? I would be able to predict based on your firm(mbb, big4), your experience, which role you are likely to move (Faang pm, strategy manager, move to mbb). I have all the data to do this, but wanted your thoughts. Would the output of this be relevant to you?


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