Most common reasons interns don’t get return offers from big 4 firms ?

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Bad attitude is the main reason I have seen.


Big4 gives offers to practically everyone


our intern kept falling asleep lol


I had one that did for a long time and not just once. 3 times

We had an intern accidentally ping a manager talking shit about said manager


I saw an intern tell everyone they were super busy but not doing any work. When the teams talked to ask how the intern was doing on the other project, they realized what was happening.


Smart intern, should hire full time!

We had one who refused to go to any client site. Pretty sure he still got an offer


Omg I feel like I know who this is


Senior associates hate them and complain to the manager


Partner makes final decision but basically relies on the senior/manager to give them a yes or no. Barring the intern doing something egregiously stupid, it’s either bad attitude, or just really poor performance that usually results in no offer. If an intern is making mistake after mistake and does not change once they’re coached on that, they’re probably not getting an offer


We had an intern who complained about how dumb the projects we were giving were. No offer given to this intern.


Demonstrated repeatedly that they could not self review or understand basic concepts.


Our intern didn’t actually have much work, but charged all her time to the client code so her utilization would look higher.


She was telling other people in our group she was busy, so she wouldn’t have to do actual work and thought no one would notice. When everyone found out she was just pretending to be busy, she didn’t get an offer.


My friend did not get a return offer but she tried really hard on both teams she worked on
And they didn’t even give her a reason 😐

Sometimes they had more people accept from an earlier internship than they expected, so they are more picky.

But my office didn’t make an offer to one of our interns this past summer because he would try to get things done as quickly as possible (and he didn’t have a backlog) and send on crappy work (misspellings, items that were communicated to him weren’t in there, etc.) We talked to him multiple times, and it didn’t get any better. Also didn’t help that he showed up late to the office visit (he already had an internship offer at the point) when he was staying at a hotel across the street...


If they puked at one of the happy hours or a bad attitude. Other than that you should be golden

Do they usually tell you why toy don’t get an offer ?

You can ask HR for feedback (same as after a normal job interview) but they don’t necessarily tell you the truth

Didn’t learn from mistakes, constantly on phone, inappropriate behaviour or just not as good as others (this is quite subjective, it depends on the written feedback provided, who is in the moderation meeting to back that feedback and what skills/background we want).

But usually if it comes to that, the others were miles ahead and this intern was just coasting.

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