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Leaving an agency? Post it here. Someone else is leaving an agency? Share the intel.
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2 CDs have left 160over90 [Philly] in the past 3weeks.


As of last Friday, 2 CDs left Droga NYC.


Any way ppl found getting resumés through the automated algorithms? Out of the few hundred job applications I've sent out over the past few years I've only had 2 callbacks and I know I'm q… more


In your career - how many jobs have you had? How many did you get through a headhunter or talent agent? For me 9/0.


Any agencies in NYC/Chicago hiring copywriters from Toronto (Canadian citizen so will need visa) or is that out of the question for the next foreseeable future? I don’t see much upward mobility in Tor… more


Any insight on working at Wunderman Seattle office? I just applied to a role and curious if there is anything to watch out for. TY!


St. John & Partners is searching for full time
1. Copywriters with retail experience to work on our furniture brand. Junior or senior...just have to great to work with... strong super collaborative team, so no buttheads or b… more


I hear, CD team is leaving Vayner in NYC


Gotta get out of here. I am a creative. Where should I go????


Liz Ross is out at Periscope (finally). The only question is why didn't they also get rid of the hostile work environment/sexual harassment/bros club CCO, Peter Nicholson as well.

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Laid off after Thanksgiving. 54. Not done yet. Plenty to offer. In Detroit but ready and able to move anywhere. AD/CD. Hangin in there. How bout you?


AKQA SF is falling apart. They've downsized. A LOT. And creatives, ops, media-everyone is leaving. Glad to be a free agent again.


Any thoughts/experiences on working at AKQA in San Francisco as a designer?

I hear, a few designers left bbh nyc


I hear, a CD/CW at Ogilvy NY just left.


HCB layoffs on the horizon


Grey NYC is looking for creatives


Anyone heard about Ogilvy Atlanta shuddering?


I hear, Pereira NYC is looking for a team.


Anyone in Seattle looking for a CD/Writer? Agency or client side. In fact, maybe mostly client side.

Any copy positions in LA?

Several designers departing from wk Portland. Fire off those books.


Lay-offs at JWT Atlanta. Anyone know of any production/pm openings in Atlanta? Just got laid off by JWT Atlanta on Thursday, effective Friday...

Sr CW left MullenLowe NYC


I hear, cco left Havas Chicago 😊


I hear, a couple of ECDs and an ACD left R/GA NYC today


SMZ is hiring Jr AD/GD with digital chops and a Mid-Level AD/GD with strong design skills.
50 person shop with diverse client roster.

I hear Campbell Ewald LA are looking for a Jr AD


I hear, strategist left FCB NY


This is awesome. Thank you to whoever started this. Yes let's keep helping each other.


Post here if you left for another gig or just quit, which agency and location. Gracias!

That was just a preview…
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