Salary recommendation: I have an interview next week for a mixed senior copywriter and senior PR consultant job at a very large, in-house organization. If you had 7-9 years of experience and were based in central US, what would you ask for? I’m thinking $125,000 based on where I am now, but I want to make sure I’m not undercutting myself.


interviewing for an in-house job and i have no idea what salary to ask for bc im assuming it’s higher than what you can get at an agency? the role is senior copywriter (i have 5 years experience) for a fashion brand in a coastal city, entails a lot of responsibility and managing junior writers. 100k??? idk!


I’ve been freelancing as a copywriter for seven years now, interviewing for a senior copywriter role at a smaller branding shop in SF. What’s a good salary range to aim for?


I’m applying for a Senior Copywriter position at a new agency. I have almost 6 years of experience and I’ve been regarded as a reliable/solid team member who presents well to clients. Any advice?

What roles can a mid-level think of applying to that aren't Senior Copywriter? Not that I wouldn't like that just... curious as there's a bit of a paucity of Sr. spots I'm seeing on boards

I’m currently interviewing for a senior copywriter position that has an exact equal art director position, but the AD position pay range is $20K more. Same experience requirements. Is that normal?


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I had my first interview for an in-house position with the HR Manager last Thursday. She said they were looking to hire before the end of the month and next steps were to have one-on-ones with the rest of the team. I haven't heard anything back and we're almost half-way through the month. Should I follow-up and ask for the status of my application?


Hi Fishes,

Yesterday I attended MS hackerrank test and was able to solve some Java based MCQ and one sql query correctly but not able to execute a code with any passed test case so should I expect a call from a recruiter for an interview?


I hate my site. I’ve been here 7 years and it’s time to move on. I have two interviews. But with the Coronavirus and the impending recession should I just suck it up and stay for my family. Thoughts?


I hve Cybersecurity IAM Senior Con interview with EY. Their are 3 interviews of 0.5hr each. Has anyone given a IAM senior con interview recently? What is the nature of this interviews? How to prepare?


In the process of interviewing with Deloitte for a consultant level role. 2 years of consulting, plus related internships. What comp to aim for?


For Amazon Data engineer L5 Interview in india,
How much DSA can be asked/Important?
I have cleared the technical screening
and my Departmental rounds are scheduled.
Just wanted insight in this.
I am good in SQL, spark, bigdata,-techstack, but
DSA is something I am not in touch on day to day basis.
So I expect that perticular portion can be a bit challenging for me.
Lets say I don't perform in that but perform good in rest of the area, Can it be reason to not get selected for the final offer??


HCL interview questions
Handle exceptions thrown by a thread?
Can JVM (through class loaders) load same class twice ?
Why only in synchronised block we can have wait and notify method ?
Which one will you choose : Soap or Rest ?
What is CI/CD ?
Row Mapper v/s ResultSetMapper
describe Oauth flow


Hi fishes,

I have an offer with Fujitsu as Application developer in Application development and management services

Tech: .net, SQL
Yoe: 3

How is Career growth and job security in Fujitsu?
I was confirmed with Developer role at the time of interview. Will i surely get development role or they will put in any role?


I’m a midlevel Big Law associate applying for in-house positions that ask for experience drafting and negotiating agreements. I have negotiated a few agreements, but I am light in the area, though I have the substantive knowledge and I’m comfortable marking up agreements. If asked about my negotiation experience in an interview, I plan to talk about the agreements I have negotiated and some of the issues that came up. How would you recommend I talk about my negotiation skills in an interview?


Hello All, I have an interview for Salesforce Data & Integration Senior Consultant at Toronto. Can anyone help me with what kind of questions to expect?
10 YoE in the space.


Did they ask for your GPA during the interview? For an audit senior position at big4.


Cross posting here - can someone please share the comp range for a tech strategy consultant? Thanks! I am interviewing with 3 yoe and want to ensure I'm not being lowballed


Agency producer here. I have an interview with an in-house agency tomorrow and I’m trying to prep myself/anticipate questions that the Exec Producer will ask. Any sample questions you guys can think of? I feel so rusty, it’s been over 5 years since I’ve interviewed anywhere. Very much appreciated!

Hi FB family - seeking some help for my soon to be graduating son. He has an interview with capital one. He’s cleared other stages thus far. This last one he’s pretty intimidated by because it includes some type of case interview where the Capital One team will share a pseudo code type case. Anyone know what the format of that interview is? What type of case to expect? Appreciate any guidance on how to prep. Thanks in advance.


I was recruited by a former manager to my current company back in August. Hired without even a formal interview. Now I’ve been contacted by another former manager about a job at her new company. Cont


Has anyone been contacted about a creative role at Kraken? I interviewed there and then they mined my LinkedIn contacts and began offering to interview people I knew for the same job. Shady AF.

Hello Ladies! I want to set up a mentorship program in here. If you are interested, drop a note below with the following info:
1. What areas would you like Mentorship?
2. What areas could you mentor others in?
We can all then reach out and connect based on what we offer/is offered to us! Let's blow this up!!!
I'll start:
1. I would like mentorship on stakeholder management on Sr. VP/CEO level.
2. I can offer mentorship on product/program management, interview prep and how to get credit is due!


What is the interview process like for a Solution Architect role in Salesforce ?


Will be doing a video interview for a Sr Mgr role - behavioral interview. Any insights on what to expect? TIA

Anyone from Deloitte want to throw me a referral? I've been at pwc for 2 years and am applying to be an M&A consultant.


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Can a newspaper use my photo without my consent?

I'm not a reporter, I'm just a citizen who took a picture during an event and uploaded it to my social media account. Turns out a digital media wrote me to have permission to use my picture, and when I said yes, they said they were looking for some other picture because I had already given permission to the competitors, which I didn't.
They just posted it without asking me, letting me know, or even mentioning my credits. Is this legal?


Am I eligible for appraisal and hike in coming June if I joined on mid February? Because before joining HR mentioned that I will be eligible for hike and appraisal, although I will not be eligible for the variable bonus.


How is working at Twilio as a TPM?


The freelance market is dry.

What will be my in hand salary?

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Any input on best MBA programs for careers in life science/healthcare? Outside of Harvard/Stanford — is it something like Wharton, MIT Sloan, Duke, and Haas?


Do other big 4 have Executive Assistants? KPMG is saying they are doing what other big 4 models are using. Do the partners and MDs do their on admin work?


Unfortunately the US CPE course that i pursued was same as the course that i did last year and hence i didnot get credits and became NON-compliant as of june 2021. Can anyone please advise on what to do to become compliant?


Partners, how does it work when a SM like myself supports MDs and their BD teams write killer proposals (I'm a SME in a specific tech) and we win major work (last 4 months alone, I've contributed to $20M in sales). Prior to me joining we lost a lot projects in this tech because we didn't have someone like me to contribute and sure the proposals were technically sound. Anyway, do I get a bonus? A raise? Nothing? I'm in Accenture.


Anyone here use vision boards? I haven’t but considering it.. what’s your experience?


Tata Consultancy tcs 8Lpa with base location CSG Systems International Inc 8Lpa Banglore but permanent wfh which is better to join


Is it considered unprofessional to send an email instead of a formal letter? Specifically, my firm has been retained by a title insurance company to obtain an easement for an insured property. Our first step is to reach out to the neighbor to ask them to grant the easement directly. The neighbor is a realtor and I easily found his email address online - I went to draft an email to him but found myself wondering if it’s unprofessional to send an email rather than formal letter. Thoughts?


My 1BR is available for sublease - May 2021 through January 2022 with option to renew.
- New Eastside (Lakeshore East): The Shoreham, see layout No. 07 on their website
- Unit has floor to ceiling windows, walk in closet and view of Chicago River
- Building amenities include gym, outdoor pool, spa, game room and business center

If interested, DM me.


Time for whistle blowers to reveal the ugly side of the industry by not covering up anymore

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After talent discussion how many percent hike will be there. I have completed Az900, 104,400 within 8 months.. Can i get hike for this? I'm getting 25k. So how much I can expect If I get hike


For H1B, does your job have to be directly related to your degree like it is for OPT?


Hi Fishes,
How much does ServiceNow pay (asking on an average level) for Integration Consultant role for 2 years of related experience?

Lti delhi location people, are you working from home or office?


I confess I need help!
Want to get something like the black peal bar necklace on the right for wife’s birthday (the shortest one on the display) Anyone have any suggestions? No idea how to search for this stuff.

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Larsen & Toubro Infotech When does Larsen & Toubro Infotech pay variable amount?

That was just a preview…
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