Hi all! I just got a Senior tax associate role in industry ($85k, MCOL; 17% more than I currently make). Enjoyed the people I interviewed with; my only hesitation is that the company itself has had a rough couple of years (healthcare company, had a few bad acquisitions that they’ve since shed off). Their busy season is just January and early February, with their team working until about 7 PM during the week and a few Saturdays. I’m interested, but it’s also my 1st offer; what would you do?


Hi Everyone! I’m going to be interviewing at PwC for a senior tax role in asset wealth management (2nd round) for the NY office. Does anyone have any tips on how to prepare for it or any insight into the work culture? Thank you all!


Hi Everyone! I’m going to be interviewing at PwC for a senior tax role in asset wealth management (2nd round) for the NY office. Does anyone have any tips on how to prepare for it or any insight into the work culture? Thank you all!


I’m interviewing a senior tax associate position at BDO, 2 years prior big 4 experience. What salary should I be expecting? LCOL like 80~85 index.


I’m looking to transition to a private equity firm in a MCOL city (Denver/Dallas/Chicago/Miami). I’m applying to a senior tax position and wanted to know what I should expect/ask for the salary range.


Seeking advice. Been in industry for about 3 years, and I was looking to go back into public for better career growth and learning opportunities with PA. My current employer does not support masters nor getting cpa, but a recent cpa firm I interviewed at said I know longer have the relevant experience to thrive in public as a senior tax associate. Can anyone advise how to successfully transition back into public and what additional skills I should pick up? 4.5 yrs total exp Thanks for input!


Seeking advice. Been in industry for about 3 years, and I was looking to go back into public for better career growth and learning opportunities with PA. My current employer does not support masters nor getting cpa, but a recent cpa firm I interviewed at said I know longer have the relevant experience to thrive in public as a senior tax associate. Can anyone advise how to successfully transition back into public and what additional skills I should pick up? Thanks for input!


I am interviewing for senior tax position soon. And it's been a long time since I had an interview. Do you think they will ask me some technical questions since it's a senior position? Any input/advice is appreciated!


What kind of leverage does having Big4 on your resume TRULY give you when applying to a big name job industry job? Anyone have any experience moving from Big4 to a tech/social media/other company? Open to roles that aren’t necessarily senior tax, such as financial analyst/operations/accountant/etc.


Can anyone give insight into CBIZ? I’m thinking of applying to a senior tax role in Tampa & would love some info


Rant: I interviewed at a mid size firm for Senior Tax Associate role and went really well. Partner calls after a couple days to say they want to offer me a job and asked me if I wanted senior 1 or 2. I said senior 2 since I have a years experience as a senior and she was okay with it and discussed salary. She said she will think about the final offer and let me know. A week later she comes back to tell me that my small firm experience probably won’t help much and it would be difficult for me...


Curious what timeline I should expect for finding a new position in this covid environment / recession. How long did it take to find a new job this year or how long have you been actively applying? I’m a CPA with big 4 senior tax experience, but trying to change paths to something like finance analyst or business manager (which I know can be pretty broad). Just trying to manage my own expectations for when I’ll be able to say good riddance to public accountings unreasonable expectations


Thoughts on FP&A? I’m currently a senior tax accountant and got asked to the last round of interviews for a senior FP&A position (narrowed down to 2 people). I feel like I’ll get it as I have friends at this company in accounting who put in recommendations for me. Only thing holding me back is I made manager this week and overall like the flexibility of PA, hate busy season though.


I have a senior tax consultant interview with Deloitte, what types of technical questions do they ask?


I am a senior tax associate and I am interviewing for an advisory role at a different firm. Any advice on what they may ask?


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Hello Ladies! I want to set up a mentorship program in here. If you are interested, drop a note below with the following info:
1. What areas would you like Mentorship?
2. What areas could you mentor others in?
We can all then reach out and connect based on what we offer/is offered to us! Let's blow this up!!!
I'll start:
1. I would like mentorship on stakeholder management on Sr. VP/CEO level.
2. I can offer mentorship on product/program management, interview prep and how to get credit is due!


Hi Fishes,

Yesterday I attended MS hackerrank test and was able to solve some Java based MCQ and one sql query correctly but not able to execute a code with any passed test case so should I expect a call from a recruiter for an interview?


Anyone from Deloitte want to throw me a referral? I've been at pwc for 2 years and am applying to be an M&A consultant.


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Hi Wells Fishers! I hope you're doing well. I got an offer from Wells Fargo in Analytics Associate position.
Business Line - Financial Control & Oversight (FCO)
Just wanted to understand what type of analytics work is happening in FCO Business line.
What's the Tech stack? In interview they mainly ask me question on Alteryx & a bit of SQL. Citi American Express JPMorgan Chase Bank of America Barclays Deloitte KPMG EY PwC Fidelity Investments Macquarie Group

Cross posting here - can someone please share the comp range for a tech strategy consultant? Thanks! I am interviewing with 3 yoe and want to ensure I'm not being lowballed


Agency producer here. I have an interview with an in-house agency tomorrow and I’m trying to prep myself/anticipate questions that the Exec Producer will ask. Any sample questions you guys can think of? I feel so rusty, it’s been over 5 years since I’ve interviewed anywhere. Very much appreciated!

Hi FB family - seeking some help for my soon to be graduating son. He has an interview with capital one. He’s cleared other stages thus far. This last one he’s pretty intimidated by because it includes some type of case interview where the Capital One team will share a pseudo code type case. Anyone know what the format of that interview is? What type of case to expect? Appreciate any guidance on how to prep. Thanks in advance.


What is the interview process like for a Solution Architect role in Salesforce ?


For Amazon Data engineer L5 Interview in india,
How much DSA can be asked/Important?
I have cleared the technical screening
and my Departmental rounds are scheduled.
Just wanted insight in this.
I am good in SQL, spark, bigdata,-techstack, but
DSA is something I am not in touch on day to day basis.
So I expect that perticular portion can be a bit challenging for me.
Lets say I don't perform in that but perform good in rest of the area, Can it be reason to not get selected for the final offer??


I’ve been trying to get into The Walt Disney Company for years and can’t seem to make any progress. I’ve tried introducing myself and connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn and of course, applying to jobs on their site. Would anyone happen to have any words of advice for someone trying to transition from the ad industry into the entertainment industry?


Will be doing a video interview for a Sr Mgr role - behavioral interview. Any insights on what to expect? TIA

Did they ask for your GPA during the interview? For an audit senior position at big4.


Hi Fishes,

Going through interview for Senior Data Analyst role -
Uber Hyderabad.

Skillset - Business Analytics & Intelligence, SQL, Python, Azure, Power BI

YOE - 5.6 | CCTC - 11 lpa | Counteroffer EY GDS - 18 lpa

Kindly provide any ballpark number/range of CTC at market standards for Uber for above profile?  Uber

Thanks in advance ;)


I have a Amazon DS interview lined up. Can anyone please suggest some good exercises to revise sql? I’m solving few leetcode problems,but is there a set of problems which covers all SQL functions? TIA


I recently had an interview for an Analyst role in VCA. I didn’t do too well in the case study but feel confident in the behavioral/situation interviews. I got the answer but still stumbled a bit during. How are my chances if my case study interview was not strong but other interviews were? Also anyone have insight on the timeline for decisions after final interview? Is it possible to get an offer?
I really want this position and disappointed in myself for screwing up but still hoping. TIA


Looking for an interview mentor for BCG. Willing to pay a bit if need be!


Any senior art director looking for a partner at your agency? Or applying together as a team? I’m at a good agency right now, just want a change

How is WLB at LEK? Interviewing for a manager role within the health vertical. TIA!


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Danish salaries. What can on expect to get interns of basic and commission
I’m pretty sure I’m batting below my average in this department and pay rise meetings are coming up. Also the support team see. To be doing well, lots of new electric cars.


How do you know ageism is happening to you? I've been interviewing ppl a lot the past couple of months so I think I know what a good resume looks like because I've seen hundreds of them. I'm looking for a new role myself and have applied to a few things that if I were the hiring mgr I'd prob want to talk to me but I'm not getting replies. I'm wondering if I should do an experiment and remove ~10-15 yrs of job history and the year I graduated and see if it makes a difference. Thoughts??


Hello! I recently moved to Toronto from USA. I have had mental health issues in the past. How do we find therapists/psychologists for mental health support?

PS: Please be kind and considerate in the comments


I am awaiting my bar results and am working at the solo practitioner’s firm I was at all thru law school. My boss does strictly family law but has known since my first summer that my interest is personal injury, particularly med mal. Boss is allowing me (once licensed) to take PI cases and eventually med mal cases. I am essentially going to be building my own practice. I would appreciate any advice you might have for someone in my position. Thank you.


I’m an Account Sup at my agency, with biz dev and client side experience. I’m at a cross roads where I get to pick my next role between a new account or biz dev. I’m considering which path I want to take. Is anyone with sage advice (with experience in both verticals?!) willing to chat thru pros/cons of each path with me?


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I am looking for a job switch. Please let me know if there's any opportunities in your firm.

Dumping 20% of my paycheck into the Roth 401k. Gotta take advantage of my ultra low tax rate my first year. Taxation is theft.


Hey fishes, I’m 21M here. Class of 2020, 3.2 GPA from a top 20 target school for undergrad.

I am 8 months into my first consulting job. What is the timeline for someone like myself? I managed to get some 2020 GMAT prep books but apart from that, I’m not really sure what the direction is. Do I just prep, practice, and take the test? I would like to apply for schools by 2024-2025. Thanks!


Hi All

I am new here. Please help me get likes to activate DM. Thankyou!!


Hello! My co-founder and I are looking to conduct user interviews to figure out what is needed for our AI analytics software.

AI use cases:
Deliver notifications if it detects a downtrend in your revenue or orders for next month.
Adjusts your financial forecast when it detects a profit pickup, revenue or order drops
Shows list of corrective actions to fix revenue or profit drops

Please comment if interested, it should only 30 mins. We can offer a free 3 month subscription for helping.


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3rd GMAP prep exam and score plunged from the previous 720 (V41, Q48) to 670 (V35, Q47). So disheartened. 😞 I got 3 reading passages back to back since the beginning of the verbal section so that may have freaked me out a little but still it's a big drop. I have 1 more month to the exam. Anyone has been/is in the same place? I'm just sad :(


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Are H1B results out? Did anyone hear from their immigration teams?

That was just a preview…
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