Negative Performance Review stories? When you didn’t meet utilization targets or other metrics. What happened?


My current utilization is 106% .. If next week full is pto + 1 week of disconnect, will it impact much on utilization? Will it still be above required % for milestone candidate.
Pls let me know..


This was supposed to be the first year EY implemented a firm-wide mid-year bonus which would have been paid in January. Curious if other firms have a mid year bonus (based on their fiscal year) and if so, what have the amounts been historically? Select high performers with high utilization will still receive a little something this year similar to prior years (only ~$5k-10k tho).


A&M fishes - what’s the average utilization in TAG? Knowing obviously you make more as you charge more and also you don’t need 100% to make big bucks… Just more curious about if you have autonomy in the hours you like to put in.


Hi Fishes and Sharks.

I joined Deloitte in Jan. I have a fairly good rating between SA and VSA.

My utilization is over 100% as of now.

With this, can we get an idea about the % of hike and variable that I might get this May?

Looking for some insight. TIA.


I joined Big4 tax (International) few months ago; and I’ve worked on a couple of projects but minor. I avg. around 5-20 hours/week for billable/external work depending on the week. I keep asking for work from other teams too, but everyone says they will give work but nothing so far. They say work is slow for the moment. I’m mainly worked with one team on a couple of small projects & got good reviews. My utilization is probably around 10-30%. What do I do? I don’t want to be left behind others.


Does anyone have advice on how to balance firm responsibilities/connectivity when on client site full time? I’m fully billable for a government client, on site full time, but am at the middle ground/SC level where I have growing company responsibilities, but still a high utilization requirement. I am not allowed to access my firm system on client site, and things are falling through the cracks. Any advice would be very appreciated.


How is your utilization, are you reaching.your targets? Are what are th consequences of missing them in this environment?


A&M folks, I read that your bonus typically makes up 50% of your comp based on business and utilization. What does that bonus look like for average performers who have 100% utilization last year or two?


Do you think it’s fair for manager to assign you projects and then log off for most of the day? I can tell that some things he could accomplish by himself. I can also see our utilization and mine is much higher. Sometimes I do not want to help them just because I think they are lazy or just taking advantage of me. Or should I just stick to the traditional hierarchy and put my head down and not question my manager’s schedule?


For people that started recently, what is your utilization looking like? I joined in September and have 24% utilization. I have been staffed on 4 deals that all died within a week and it’s been pretty frustrating


How important is it in your opinion to get the To and CC lines correct in emails? I honestly have never utilized them properly for most of my career, but recently joined a new firm where I've gotten feedback to fix them so it's a surprise to me. I'm used to just putting everyone in the To field


Is it standard utilization or adjusted utilization that's taken into account during appraisal?


EY's average utilization for FDD folks are 50%.. how's other firms doing?


In developing a new PM department within a small Pharma company a colleague and I are trying to determine the best PM software/program to utilize. For reference we are steering away from MS Project and currently looking into Smartsheets. Does anyone have any other recommendations for a program they found useful? We want to have a dashboard that collates information from cross functional teams but, that can simultaneously be utilized for the individual teams. Tracking milestones, risks,budget...

Transferred offices in October, how do I handle Secretary/Assistant holiday gifts?

My previous secretary still does all of my reimbursements/travel (don’t ask for help with anything else) and will until the new year, but my new secretary has made a clear effort to be available (even though I haven’t utilized her at all).

Should I be gifting both the standard class year gift?


Client is stopping billing for 2 weeks (unscheduled). This will impact my utilization such that I’m no longer bonus eligible. Any thoughts, ideas, best practices to respond to the unanticipated stoppage? How concerned should I be?


My engagement is being changed to other than my core areas for utilization of team purpose. They already did this once and i dint like the work ive been doing. Is it common for others as well ?


Has anyone utilized LTA during collective disconnect? If yes, how? No proper info available on Dnet. They mentioned mandatory more than 3 days leave approval is required plus future proof can not be submitted since last day is 19 Dec so no use of declaration. Can some please help here


If a person is working from 26th to 30th Dec, and manager asked to bill in client billable code, how do I get any benefit out of this situation? Project will get their invoice for those hours i worked, but i wont get anything apart from utilization (which i dont need right now). Since I'm billing client I can't apply for comp off. Is there any monetary compensation that they can give?


Atlast found official data on this.. Upto 120 hours of PTOs won't affect utilization 😁

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How's your utilization?
I've been placed on deals but randomly they get slow, client doesn't upload or I'm told to be mindful of my billing when I am on a deal.
Is this an issue for anyone else?


I’m a strong performer with happy clients and high utilization but I never submit my time on time. Hoping it doesn’t affect my rating and bonus.


Timeline of my new job and I appreciate folks thoughts (started in March):
March - May - Super busy , 100% utilization felt like I was thrown into the fire 🔥. July - receive a 20% raise and 10% bonus September - Now - been dead they’ve been on us about asking for more work but nothing to do. Recently I was told What I would be working on but that’s in January . performance reviews have been good to mediocre. Do I need to 🥶


My current utilization is 105% , and planning to take leave from 12 Dec to 23 Dec i.e will be back to office on 2nd Jan

I am asking this becoz it's my milestone year .
I am Up for promotion
How much will my utilization drop to ? Will it risk my milestone ?
Kindly advise


I feel underutilized with a 105% utilization rate. I have so much more to offer but this project only sees 1% in me and rejects the rest 99%. Is this normal in consulting?

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How do you “act” like a senior associate when you’re an incoming associate? Obv not immediately but what can be done/utilized for this? My intention with the question is that it’s seen upper management will promote you when they see you are taking on responsibilities that only upper management does. I hope i was clear (: thank you!

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How is it at other firms? I like Audit for the most part but I’m kind of over my firm. My clients suck and they’re way under billed so my job realization is garbage. Then I’m getting hounded on utilization so if I eat hours my realization is better but then it looks like I’m not doing the work. I’m only a senior and don’t understand why this is my problem. But I’m so over the budget talks. I’m a high performer so I’m not getting these talks bc the work is lacking. It’s pressure coming down


I'll be on bench starting from tomorrow , I am not getting any project (reached out many M's and SM's in my circle ) everyone says that new projects will start only jan/feb . I'm really scared and nervous ,day by anxiety increasing due to this.

Dec to jan 1 month being on bench definitely impact my utilization and situation outside is very bad ,what should I do , people please suggest next steps .


How did you process the emotions after being rolled off for the first time? I just got the news because there’s not enough work for me. Is it normal to feel a bit…abandoned? My utilization is over 100%, so I’m not too concerned, and I could use some downtime with friends and family. But it still feels kind of suck to be let go for whatever reason.


Deloitte Consuting Guys share thoughts on this
What will happen if PYTD Utilization is 90% and performance as on Agree for Consultants ?
What is the impact..


Does utilization matter at the Senior Manager or Manager level?


Hi, I’m currently working as a paralegal for a bank and I am bored. Everything is so monotonous and slow, I feel under-utilized. The only time I am excited about work is when I’m helping the AML advisory team with requests so naturally I’ve developed an interest in AML especially DeFi and Crypto assets. I know it’s an emerging industry so I’d be happy to work in traditional AML for a fund or another bank.
Would love to hear from people who left the legal field for compliance work.


Hi all,
Planning to pitch for a Manager promotion in the June cycle

Wanted to understand what are the prerequisites that would be expected.
Currently I'm SA2, Joined last year in November, Rating in last review was tier 2, mid year snapshots (qty 3) have been 4 and 5s and Current utilization is 95%,

Basically atleast from my end, what should I be doing so as to not give them any reason to not promote 😅


Hi, my performance YTD Utilization is 125% but Performance YTD is 93% now, in IT-TAX we hardly have any work starting from Oct end to Feb end, need to know if the fiscal YTD can be considered for promotional decisions? (Practically not, but still)



Y’all just a quick vent - I am 10 weeks 4 days and just really f*cking tired of being tired and nauseous. Work is like pulling teeth right now with a difficult client and a director/partner who aren’t respecting boundaries particularly well with some utilization BS on top of it. I have anxiety and ADHD just normally and this is our first child (but second pregnancy after one miscarriage earlier this year). Just uuugggghhhhh. Tips for coping appreciated.


@ Experienced folks in RFA - To what extent does Utilization affect promotion? I am at 99% Utilization right now, but want to take 1 week off, which will drop my Utilization to 95% at the end of performance year. Should I take 1 week PTO?


Fellow new-hire LL.M. Associates - do you feel like you are being criminally underutilized (not like your Utilization metric) relative to your skill set? I feel like a high schooler could do this job and I went to eight years of university. Managers and above - does it get better? I’m thinking of lateraling to a law firm if I’m just going to be moving documents around and copy/pasting into PowerPoint decks


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How much do creative directors get paid when they transition to brand side?


What are the hottest security skills today?


Got word that my dept will be laid off. Currently work Case Management which I don't really enjoy. Looking for a career change, WFH preferably. Any leads?


Ok friends, help me out here….I need to know what an RN makes in an Internal Med Clinic Setting that has a speciality of testing and treating STI’s including HIV.
AND what a Behavioral Health Intake Nurse makes.
Any insight would be much appreciated! TYIA!


My boyfriend is in love with me after 9 months of dating and I don’t feel the same. I like him, but I dont get excited when I’m going to see him. I don’t know what’s wrong or what changed for me.. what do I do


Is it safe and worth to join Birlasoft with 38lpa. I have offers upto 34.5 from other reputed organisations.

Hello fishes,
Is there any opportunity/openings for 2 Yr experience Salesforce developer
Please dm me.


Hi Fishes, I joined FIS global recently. What are benefits of National pension scheme - employer contribution at FIS ? Any idea?

Also where we can use meal card?



What are the best getaways from Chicago during the next long weekend? Appreciate any suggestions!


What is the action plan?

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Need advice. My sons have kids ATV things. More hard core than a power wheels but not true ATV (they go 8 mph I think). My kids were riding in our culdesac with husband watching. Husband and oldest came inside for a few minutes and in that time, neighbors tiny 4yo jumped on his and crashed on our driveway. Broke her arm. 😩 We would never have allowed her to ride and her parents NEVER supervise when she’s outside. Are we dicks for not offering to cover some/all of medical bills? I don’t feel


I tend procrastinate a lot during the morning and especially in the afternoon (instagram, reading bullshit online articles on any argument, looking tens of times my personal email with no reason etc) and then end up working until late night to hit complete my tasks. Has anyone suggestions to avoid or reduce this? Logging out of social media may help but then I would just look at other silly stuff on the internet. This feels so stupid and frustrating and is slowly ruining my life.


Hello Folks,

Any openings for Oracle CX Technical Consultant?

Anyone wants to refer please let me know..


I am studying for MBA and need 3 books. They are very expensive to buy, so I am wondering if any of you have access to a soft copy that you can share.
> Management Research: Applying the Principles by Susan Rose, Nigel Spinks
> Research Methods for Business and Management by Kevin O'Gorman, Robert MacIntosh
> Theory and Practice of Leadership by Roger Gill


Accenture ACN strategy and consulting Senior Analyst or consultant ? - For 4+ years of experience. Accenture


Any KPMGers in this bowl? ... Bueller? ... Bueller?

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