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Freelancers who have Qs about project contracts, invoicing, finding clients, and how to price themselves.
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What’s the current market rate for senior producers (5+ years experience)


I have a former colleague and current friend that referred my studio to a potential client. It could be a big project. Anyone here have experience with finders/referral fees? I’m interested in formali… more


I am kind of new to the freelance game in terms of wanting to try to focus on building my own client base and breaking free from the corporate life. What are everyone’s “hot tips” for someone who is a… more


Have any of you taken advantage of working from home by working two overlapping 9-5s? We’re you able to pull it off? Any tips? I’m thinking of working a contract job on top of the one I already have.


First official week back on the freelance grindstone, gotta beat back my anxiety on landing new projects. I'm so hoping 2024 is less bone dry.


How long do I need to keep cashed checks and invoice receipts i received for freelance work? I started freelancing on the side in 2020 and had kept them for sake of a paper trail, but not sure if I st… more


When are you eligible to be a non-exempt employee and overtime comp?


Hey Y’all Happy Friday 👋 I was curious if anyone here has seen a list of agencies that are still remote? If it’s hush hush I understand but could y’all let a sister know?


What are the hours like as a freelancer?


Anyone here set up their own HSA accounts? I have Fidelity for my Solo 401k, so would stay with them if possible


Hi! I'm looking for a job. I'm a Global Social Media Manager and Project Coordinator with 12 years of professional experience. Worked in media groups, broadcast media production and TV channel… more


Does Publicis-owned agencies still kick freelancers out after 3 months?


Landed one remote role! Just need a second one now. Even if it’s part-time. 💕🍾🎊😊


How would you translate a freelance day rate into a full time salary?

Say your day rate is $1,000. Multiplying that by working days in a year $260k seems way too high. Plus factor in benefits etc.

Righ… more


Creative Circle at it again

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For anyone freelancing for agencies, what is your typical payment schedule? I always thought net 30 days was typical, but I'm currently in contract discussions with an agency that says they only d… more


Last year I looked for freelance March-September, then was nice and booked (at my full rate) October-December. And somehow during just those two months of working I completely forgot my money troubles… more


Has anyone done a 1099 contract with Insight Global?


I am looking to take my freelance journalist career more seriously. What are some good job boards to look for career opportunities? I’m already looking on indeed and linkedin. I also want to start col… more


Any recommendations or referrals for a non profit manager. Any sector is good


How much do y’all pay for health insurance each month? I’m in California and I’m getting gouged $400/ mo. through Covered CA/ Kaiser and I’m on the lower end of the premium 🫠 Was wondering if anyone … more


Based in IL since mid-pandemic, but have a NY driver's license, and have W-2 & 1099 employment from NY agencies. Which state should I file for unemployment in? NY or IL? Tried signing up on NY… more


How many remote jobs are out there lately?


Anyone ever heard of/worked with these people before?

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I started my software development agency 8 months ago and got my first client this August through a referral. Till then, it's just crickets. I'm starting this agency besides my full-time job.

Now, I just w… more


How do you navigate a client that wants details of every single thing you do, and reasons why you do them? I own a small agency that focuses on local companies. I don’t necessarily want to spend time … more


NY area friends.. what are we doing for health insurance?!? Cigna is almost $900/month now and covers… nothing.. is there anything better out there for us?!


Recommendations for affordable pet insurance. I have a new maltipoo. TYIA (NYC)


What’s average art director’s hourly rate in California??


Any tips on how to share news end long term freelance contract?

I’ve been doing marketing for a very small online business. I only did it as small $ after laid off but I got a job & want to make sure I’m dedi… more


How do you bounce back from a crappy work 2023?

In a typical year, gross $120-$150k. 2023 was only $65k, business was slooow and I had to take a month off bc of a hospitalized parent.

I run a small marketing commun… more


How’s everyone feeling about the freelance market in 2024?


Should I be setting up an S-Corp? I recently posted about having health high insurance & someone mentioned that they had an S-Corp. seen the social media videos videos but no idea what type of fr… more


Those from the US. How is health insurance treating you? I’m spending like $10K a year for just me. I’m considering just not having it at this point.


I've been trying to break into Freelancing for 6 months now and have not been successful in landing anything. Any advice?

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If you give an estimate, are you expected to hit that exact number? I say it’s a good faith guess but if there are more edits, more rounds, you should be able to charge above the estimate, as long as … more


What is your current rate and what are you raising it to next year?



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Currently unemployed but getting some freelance offers. Never been freelance before—what should my rate be (for agency work)? Senior agency producer, 7 years experience (total), New York.

That was just a preview…
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