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Travel with First class flights pretty much anywhere. 5$ copays for health insurance.
What’s the general Bain policy for flights for junior team members?
McK1 and BCG 1/2 pretty much covered it. Our benefits are great and I’m happy with them but all in all BCG’s benefits are best in class.
1. Credit card usage (at McK, only hotels on personal card; flights are through corp acct)
2. Alt travel (we get taxed marginal income for any alt travel and anything after benchmark is personal)
3. First class flights (1.5h for them vs. 3.5h for us)
4. Daily budget (our meal budget is $95/day, I believe BCG is higher)
5. Healthcare might be a bit better too
Yes we do
That first class flight perk is nuts. I get a slap on the wrist for booking southwest business select
First class flights for anything over 90 minutes, much more liberal expense policy during the week, and a much better alt-travel policy over the weekends
Biggest perk to me vs McK is not having to work for a company with an extensive track record of global corruption
Mck, I’m sure Arthur Andersen felt the same way
We get tax equalized for non-home-state taxes. Headspace for free
Wow yeah that's kind of a big deal. But my understanding is McKinsey model is very regional too so maybe they figure you're likely to be working in your home state or a state with similar taxation?
For people in states with state income tax, dobyouget taxed for the state you worked in and the state you live in, or is it just one or the other?
Biggest travel benefit versus McKinsey is partner approval is alt hats needed for breaking policy most of the time. My McKinsey friends have to fight with some offshore team - we expense it and get a partner to say “I approve"
Flying business when not in policy
What’s the alt travel policy like? I assume it’s similar to other firms as in: you can spend as much as you would on your regular flight home, is that correct or is it different at BCG?
A dream!
I love per diem..its the extra income no one ever talks about.. I make sure to stay in a hotel that offers breakfast and 'manage'the rest of the day.. per diem basically pays for my daycare... if kpmg ever stops..... there will be hell to pay... 😁
My mother has been at MBB for 20+ years and speaks very highly of their health insurance program
What about hotel? Is there a policy limit or can you hang at four seasons at 800 a night
No personal cards at all for hotel or flights. Technically you aren’t supposed to use them for food either but anything under $75 can be reimbursed to you without a receipt. But too many of those and you’ll get a WTF email from compliance
Profit sharing is nice. It goes to retirement or a taxable savings but the beauty is you don’t need to contribute X amount in order to get .50 on the dollar. As you get more senior the percent estimate for profit share goes up and could be just under your bonus amount
McK is no different.
I think BCG gets Invisalign covered. But I haven’t heard anyone match our unlimited dental cleanings per year
We're paying 50% of Invisalign for my wife.
Does BCG have any airport lounge perks? Ie access to AA executive lounge through annual reimbursement?
I haven’t heard any policy on it, but I’ve expenses a membership before—needed the “quiet” workspace frequently enough that it made sense.
I’d file this under the category of: If it makes sense, case leadership will approve
Not that I’ve heard of. Deloitte does that for SM and up but that’s the only firm where I’ve seen this perk
The seven hours in coach really doesn't make it worth having a lounge pass ...thanks Deloitte