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For all who identify as women. What problems do you face in this male-dominated field? How can we empower one another? 💪
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Hi! I work at a digital marketing agency, I’m looking to get promoted to an Account Executive role but want to know what’s the average salary for somebody with an AE role? I keep getting mixed bags of… more


how would you tell someone to advocate for themselves? I feel guilty asking to be on new projects at work


At what stage in your career do you think having kids would be the easiest? I know it will never be ‘easy’ but do you think having them when you’re say a senior art director would be harder or easier … more


In 2024, my goal is to enhance my personal LinkedIn account, focusing on content that goes beyond just updates about my company and personal achievements. I want to share insights & information th… more


Does anyone works at Dentsu as paid social account manager. I have applied for the role and got interview for the same. I would like to get some help for my interview.


Not work-related: I just got my second facial ever and still trying to figure out what I’m missing. I don’t love parts of the process… the squeezing, zapping, etc. but mainly I just never notice much … more


I have a question about something that’s making me upset. I started a new job this week, and today I found out that I now work at the same company as my ex. He’s the receptionist. My first day was rem… more


I’ve hated my job for a year now, and the last 3 months were hell. I have a dream job offer with a title and pay increase at a widely respected agency, but I still feel guilty for leaving a place I’ve spent the last 4 years.… more


I've been asked to be removed from the account I've been working at for the last couple of years due to work being reduced and not enough for two. Helped grow it, helped with new processes, he… more


Hi … I was laid off right before the holidays and though I’ve already been emailing my dream agencies, it’s now the first day of the actual work week and I have no idea where to start. 

Is it ok to email agencies I’ve a… more


Help! Returning to office after four years of WFH. Looking for workwear brands for young female professionals that aren’t stiff, stale, and boring - please drop your recs!

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I recently lost my job, and I'm grappling with feelings of betrayal and deep resentment. The events leading up to it have left me hurt and angry. I'm struggling to clear my head and focus on f… more


Anyone ever experience a client texting them while they are out on family leave? How do you handle


Was reached out to by a recruiter on LinkedIn for a discussion about a role that I am way under qualified for. Do I push aside my imposter syndrome and have a conversation or do I pass? I love the ide… more


any personal/non-work related projects you’re looking forward to working on this year?


Gals! If you’re a senior strategist in NYC interested in leading creative strategies for luxury spirits brands…like, comment, subscribe, DM…I’m hiring!


Please drop any companies that are remote friendly! I’m on the hunt for new job and live far from the major city, and i’m finding it really hard right now to find a remote first company with job openi… more


What do you do if you’re a female junior creative team and a senior freelance male starts taking over your idea and then everyone else starts pretndjng you don’t exist?


So…I returned from maternity leave yesterday to find out that my agency basically gave someone else my job. We lost a client…and they moved someone into my accounts instead of laying them off. The onl… more


Idk why I even bother engaging with posts other than this bowl… even if the topic pertains to women, the comments are overrun by opinionated assholes.

For example, this guy is trying to tell me that more men today ar… more


Any mid to senior copywriters ready to make a jump to in-house? I'm looking for a partner - based in NYC ☺️


I just negotiated salary, title, and remote work (although some of these things first) and the company said ‘no’ to all of them. Wtf. Has anyone else had this happen?!

Clearly, not a company worth my t… more


Has anyone had to request non-maternity leave? I've been putting off a surgery for years and would need 4-6 week recovery time and am wondering how to approach the topic.

I'm in a tech startup … more


i am starting a new job soon - any tips for how to make the best first impression & generally set myself up to succeed? i’m planning on things like going into the office frequently, communicating … more


Is LinkedIn Premium worth it? I signed up for a month to see if it would help- I've been job hunting for 6 months with little luck- and it doesnt seem like it's actually worth $40 per month. Plus I feel l… more


To whenever needs to hear and feel this too

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In your career, have you noticed any trends as to whether you prefer to be managed by women or men, holistically speaking? If so, why do you think your preference is the way it is?

No right or wrong an… more


Is it bad to take a maternity leave at early stage (junior-mid) of your career? Would it look bad on resume and make it hard to get a job if I take few years off? I made a career change to advertising… more


What are some ways you’ve been described at work that you’d consider a compliment normally, but in a work setting you just consider it annoyingly euphemistic for a negative word? I’ll go first:

Persistent (aggressive) … more


Advice!? Two weeks before Christmas your boss tells you you’re doing a great job and says you have a 25,000 bonus coming. Your extra happy for the recognition. It’s a fortune 100 company. Fast forward… more


At a bit of a career crossroads and thinking through the "what is next" question. I have 10 years of agency experience doing pr, social and now focused on advertising. Plan to stay at current agency for… more


Is anyone in advertising looking for a remote PR pro to help agency clients? I've done this in the past full-time and am looking for potential opportunities. Have worked for Edelman, MS&L and … more


How bad is it for my career long term to quit my agency job at the end of maternity leave? I’d like to take 3+ months more off to spend with my newborn and look for a brand side gig. Not sure how tha… more


I am looking for any leads for employment within the marketing and communication function in Vancouver. I have a decade of experience in this field with my portfolio spanning Indian and interna… more


Had my husband’s family over for Xmas lunch yesterday. We have a civil relationship but nothing in common. His mom is a depressed, ill-mannered, obese, and disgusting (hygienically) woman who doesn’t … more


I recently found out my male counterpart (same exact title and responsibilities) who has less experience and less formal education than me makes significantly more than I do. I've been at the comp… more


Does anyone have tips/insights on working in Apple Marcom? I have an interview for a contract position in the new year and would love to know people’s experience. Interview prep tips would be helpful … more


My husband’s niece, who is married/28, sent us a Christmas card addressed to
“Mr & Mrs His full first name his last name”
I use my own birth surname or a combo of my birth surname and his together socia… more

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I just came back from maternity leave and lost my client before my leave and was helping out another team. I’ve been back for three weeks with no update on what team I’ll be on. When I ask leadership … more

That was just a preview…
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